Next Generation Governance (NG) - Quarter 3 2020/2021

Project Target Status Commentary

NG1.1.1 - Deliver enhancements and new features to the corporate website.

Purpose: Provide enhanced digital customer experiences.

June 2021


On Track


The Digital Customer Experience Team have completed the design component of the new Careers section of the corporate website. This section is now under development.

The new colour palette design work has been completed and is awaiting final approval.

The discovery phase has been completed on an e-Petitions section and is awaiting approval to proceed to design and development.

Rebranding of the corporate website is now complete with an ongoing focus on any remaining and new PDF's to ensure they are accessible and comply with the rebrand.

The Digital Customer Experience Team continue to provide support to other council websites including the open data portal, CoLab and LACE sites.

NG1.2.1 - Develop a proposal for proactive and targeted educational or compliance programs. These will link to systemic risks or priority city-wide issues of public importance.

Purpose: Increase compliance.

April 2021

On Track

The report is being prepared as per planned and is targeted for Councillor consultation in the 4th Quarter.

NG2.1.1 - Deliver a news and community website.

Purpose: Provide stronger communication channels to the community.

June 2021

Not Completed

This project has evolved over time from the original Community News Website, to now incorporate the online plans for the Our Logan digital magazine.

Therefore this project will now sit with the Marketing and Events Branch to deliver, given the Marketing and Events Branch is the owner of the Our Logan magazine. Media Branch will support this project with the provision of content.

It is recommended that this project be moved to the next financial year for delivery and be renamed Our Logan digital offering.

NG2.1.2 - Develop a revised community engagement strategy, with input from the community.

Purpose: Further enhance Council's commitment to broader engagement practices and processes.

June 2021


Community consultation occurred and the feedback provided was reviewed. The draft strategy was updated to reflect feedback from the community and the final strategy has been endorsed by Council.

The Community Engagement Program are currently developing an action plan to support the strategy.

NG3.1.1 - Develop and implement a compliance management system.

Purpose: Ensure effective and accountable governance.

June 2021

On Track

The implementation of a system for the capture and reporting of Council's compliance obligations has been delayed. It was initially anticipated that the compliance module could be captured as part of a separate procurement process. However, this did not eventuate. As a result, a full procurement activity is required.

Council's Information Communication and Technology Service Delivery Coordination Team has provided its support to  the Corporate Governance  Branch  and  the Risk  and Compliance  project  team  in  identifying  and  procuring  a  technical  solution  for Council's risk and compliance functions.

The procurement process has commenced to source an appropriate solution. Procurement activity has also commenced for compliance data.
The development of a compliance policy and procedure and reporting requirements also continue.

NG3.1.2 - Develop and implement a governance framework.

Purpose: Promote best practice for corporate governance.

June 2021


The Governance Framework was approved by Ordinary Council at its meeting held on 28 October 2020 (Minute No. 136/2020). This project is now complete.

NG3.1.3 - Deliver actions to secure Quality Management System ISO9001:2015 certification.

Purpose: Ensure a consistently high quality of service is delivered to customers and stakeholders.

June 2021

On Track

An internal training session on familiarisation of the Quality Management System (QMS) and a Risk Workshop was conducted by Quality Business Documents (QBD). 

This is to provide awareness of the QMS prior to the Stage 2 external audit on 23-24 April 2021. QBD continue to produce the QMS in preparation of the audit.

NG3.1.4 - Engage all stakeholder groups across the city to develop a long-term plan and city vision.

Purpose: Inform the strategic direction for the City of Logan.

June 2021

On Track

During March, the Community Visioning process progressed to Stage 3 – Deliberative Panel.

This process involved an independently recruited representative group of community members who considered all community feedback gathered, to develop the Logan Community Vision. 50 participants were recruited for the Deliberative Panel sessions.

Three Deliberative Panel sessions were held during March to develop the draft vision statement and themes.

The outcome for Stage 3 was delivery of a Draft Logan Community Vision document.

Deliberative Panel Evaluation Results for Panel 1 and Panel 3 Meeting are being finalised.

NG3.1.5 - Deliver the Asset Management Strategy.

Purpose: Build organisational capability in sustainable asset management practices. Enable cost optimisation to meet the current and future needs of the city.

June 2021

On Track

The progress of key deliverables as per the Asset Management Strategy improvement plan continue and are currently being delivered per schedule. These Include:

  • Further investigation into dashboard reporting capability;
  • Further development of next generation asset management templates with Parks and Stormwater Asset Management Plans being updated
  • Scale up Asset Management Technical Reference Group (community of practice) across the organisation
  • The Strategic Business Case and cost estimates for implementation for Council's Enterprise Asset Management System (EAMS) were presented to EAMS Steering Committee.  From discussions at Steering a Service Enhancement was developed for Council
  • Progressing the development of Council's Asset Information Handover Specification, with particular focus on Transport & Stormwater Assets as these are most critical in Developer handover
  • Development of draft Asset Revaluation Guidelines.

NG3.1.6 - Deliver the Corporate Innovation Strategy.

Purpose: Build organisational capability in using innovation models. Enable services to be delivered in new and better ways.

June 2021

On Track

The program continues to roll out and support a number of initiatives for Quarter 3.  Key highlights across the programs three service areas include:

  1. Service: Innovation Culture & Capability Uplift - Three Lunch and Learn sessions have been facilitated across Quarter 3.  Online and real time delivery mode using the Microsoft Teams application has enabled staff to access the training easily and conveniently.  These sessions have provided training on the use of innovation tools to solve problems across the problem framing, problem discovery and ideation phases of the Innovation Double Diamond process used by the program. At Quarter 3 there are 130 staff subscribed to our Lunch and Learns.  Three podcasts have also been finalised and distributed each month and aim to provide knowledge exchange using both podcasts and readings to build staff knowledge of innovation practice across a range of sectors. At Quarter 3 there are 104 staff subscribed to our Podcast. The program is currently designing storyboards to inform the first of a suite of online training programs for staff and will be offered as a corporate training offering in the new financial year.
  2. Service: Corporate Innovation Services - In Quarter 3, the program provides innovation services to the organisation and a summary of some of the key initiatives supported include:
    • In partnership with the People and Culture Branch, the program designed and facilitated the Leadership Development Program two day hackathon. - Introducing emerging leaders to the use of innovation tools and techniques to design and deliver a project to address a real business need
    • In partnership with the Governance Branch, the program facilitated problem framing and discovery sprints to explore opportunities to improve records compliance
    • In partnership with Sports, Leisure and Facilities (SLF), the program facilitated a range of workshops, engagement and collaboration to address  business challenges across two SLF programs
    • Coordinated cross organisational engagement and collaboration to explore opportunities to improve the management of Aboriginal Cultural Heritage for capital works activities.
  3. Service: Innovation Communication and Engagement - In Quarter 3, some of the core communication functions included the design and delivery of Lunch and Learns sessions and the monthly Podcast. The program also provided communications support for the Catapult and City Studio initiatives delivered by the City Transformation Branch to schools in the City of Logan.  Communications support was provided as part of the CoLab launch. The program also finalised in partnership with the Governance Branch, an application for the upcoming Records and Information Management Professionals Australasia Excellence Awards (Qld Chapter).

NG3.2.1 - Deliver an advocacy campaign leading into the State Government election in October 2020.

Purpose: Secure infrastructure investment for the City of Logan from the State Government.

October 2020

Not Proceeding

Council made a decision to remove this project from the Operational Plan at its meeting 18 November 2020 (Minute number 153/2020).

A decision was made to pause Council's FairShare4Logan platforms in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. No budget was allocated towards a state election campaign in 2020/2021. Assistance was offered and provided to Councillors who wished to advocate for divisional priorities with State Candidates, as per the program's usual scope of business.


NG3.2.2 - Deliver the Advocacy Strategy 2020-2024 and implement a program of priorities.

Purpose: Build strategic relationships to influence policy and investment in the best interests of the city.

June 2021

On Track

The draft Advocacy Strategy is being circulated for internal and Councillor feedback in April/May. Advocacy Program has requested for this item to be on the agenda for the Councillor briefing scheduled for April. Will be presented to ELT in May and go to Council for its June 2021 meeting.

NG3.3.1 - Deliver actions from the City of Logan Biosecurity Plan 2017-2022.
Purpose: Manage

invasive pests, plants and animals across the city.

June 2021

On Track

At the end of third quarter, the Biosecurity Surveillance Program and invasive biosecurity matter control are on target year to date:
  • 195 monthly water body inspections which lead ot 46 treatments
  • 1955 weed treatments on parks, public land and roadsides
  • 264 weed treatments provided by Council on private property
  • 2522 weed inspections.

NG4.1.1 - Deliver a Safety Culture Action Plan and an organisational wellness strategy.

Purpose: Ensure the safety of our people, contractors and community. Build resilience and maximise the physical and mental health and well-being of our people.

June 2021

On Track

Council's new Health and Safety Strategy was endorsed at the end of July 2020. This strategy serves to strengthen and deepen our existing positive safety culture.

The formal health and safety strategy was launched with each Branch Management Team during February and March 2021.

Council's Wellness Blueprint is currently under review by the recently engaged Health Promotions Officer. The review will incorporate considerations for the work environment and challenges experienced over the past 12 months.

NG4.1.2 - Deliver 14 strategic people projects.

Purpose: Enable and support our people to deliver on the Corporate Plan 2017-2022.

June 2021


Project deliverables within the People Plan have been resumed post a significant COVID-19 pause during 2020. An amended focus, prioritisation and timing of projects has been discussed with the A/CEO and is currently being finalised to ensure initiatives support Council's current and changing business needs within our new operating environment.

NG5.1.1 - Deliver an updated hazard and risk profile for the city.

Purpose: Improve disaster management capabilities.

June 2021

On Track

Elements of the annual disaster management campaign continued to be delivered during quarter 3. Messaging focussed on:
  • SES recruitment
  • Heatwave and how to stay healthy during hot weather
  • Storm preparedness, with tips on how to prepare your family and home
  • Disaster preparedness for businesses, and information on business continuity planning
  • Getting to know your neighbours and how you can help your neighbours prepare for severe weather. This messaging was promoted in the lead up to Neighbour Day (28 March 2021)
  • Logan Early Warning and Disaster Dashboard, with the addition of QR codes to encourage the community to download the app and visit the disaster dashboard
  • Reviewing COVID-19 content on Council's website to ensure vaccination information was available
Methods of engagement included:
  • Shopping centre advertising
  • Bus shelter advertising
  • Mobile Truck Billboard
  • Google Display Prospecting
  • Translated information on 4EB radio
  • Advertisements on Rebel FM Radio
  • Promotion of key messages via super banners on the Logan City Council website and via the Customer Service Centre and Library TV screens
  • Social media, including Facebook and LinkedIn
  • Newspaper advertisements
  • Addition of QR codes on advertising material
The Disaster Management Program also facilitated a meeting between Council's Development Assessment Branch and Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) to discuss house fire safety and smoke alarm legislation. Further work will be done in partnership over the coming months, including:
  • Translation of house fire safety flyer into the top 5 languages
  • Distribution of key information via the Building Investigators on behalf of QFES
  • Delivery of smoke alarm and house fire safety education campaigns
  • Educational visits on the QFES Safe Home Visit Program

On 24 March 2021 a Community Centre and Organisation Workshop was held at Loganlea Community Centre in partnership with the Community Development Team, Disaster Management Program and GIVIT. 5 participants attended the session, which focussed on:
  • Disaster preparedness and business continuity planning for community centres and organisations 
  • Supporting the community to prepare for and recover from an event
  • GIVIT key messages and how centres/organisations can access GIVIT's services to support the community
The City of Logan Recovery Report COVID-19 was produced to signify 12 months since Logan's Local Recovery Group activated in response to COVID-19. The report is available on Council's website and has been shared with the Local Recovery Group and Local Disaster Management Group.

NG5.1.2 - Deliver the annual review of the Local Disaster Management Plan, sub-plans and Standard Operating Procedures.

Purpose: Ensure policies, practices and operational procedures align with agencies. Identify opportunities for continuous improvement.

June 2021


The following plans were re-endorsed at the LDMG Meeting held 27 August 2020:

  • Local Disaster Management Plan
  • Recovery Sub-Plan
  • Spontaneous Volunteers Sub-Plan
  • Community Information and Warnings Sub-Plan
  • Evacuation Sub-Plan
  • Hazard Specific Sub-Plan
  • Rapid Response Sub-Plan

NG5.2.1 - Finalise the Logan and Albert River floodplain study and plan.

Purpose: Improve flood management strategies in the event of a flood disaster.

June 2021

On Track

Final flood study report, flood model and addendum report has been received and the study is contractually complete. Internal consultation with key Managers and stakeholders will be undertaken to explain the study findings and formally accept the study as completed.