Weeds of Logan

Logan contains a rich and diverse environment, supporting natural systems, pastures, plantations and gardens. Weeds can destroy the natural diversity of the region, as well as the economic viability of many local industries.

Many of the common weeds in Logan were originally introduced as garden ornamentals. Introduced plants that are climatically suited to their new environment can thrive and out-compete native species because of the absence of the plants natural diseases, insects and pests.

The impact of weeds

Weeds may have significant economic and social impacts, as well as environmental impacts, including:

  • reduction of biodiversity
  • cost of control
  • loss of ecotourism opportunities
  • impacts on recreational activities
  • impacts on landscape
  • degradation to water quality
  • increased risk of fire
  • causing injury to native animals or harming them through toxicity
  • choking waterways and wetlands and destroying aquatic habitat
  • lowering the visual appeal of natural areas and decreasing property values
  • contributing to erosion and sedimentation of waterways
  • creating a fire hazard and increasing the intensity and frequency of fires.

Why Are They A Problem?

Weeds are generally very hardy plants. Many weeds grow quickly, spread easily, are tolerant to various conditions and are capable of forming large colonies. It is these qualities that make weeds so successful and difficult to control.


  • are spread easily by humans, birds and animals
  • can spread through the dumping of garden waste
  • have spreading stems that give rise to new plants
  • have seeds that are wind-borne and can be carried by flowing water
  • can grow readily from seed, roots and other vegetative means
  • reduce the pasture value as they out-compete more nutritious and palatable pasture plants
  • may have vines that can smother native trees
  • invade disturbed natural areas and replace native vegetation
  • form dense infestations that interfere with the establishment of native plant seedlings
  • often invade the understorey supressing growth of native species.

What can we do?

The best way to deal with weeds is to control them and prevent their spread.

Ways to do this include:

  • learning to recognise weeds
  • removing positively identified weeds or non-natives from your property and replacing them with local native species
  • avoiding buying, selling or planting weeds
  • remembering that there will be a risk of plants spreading to bushland as birds, water and wind can transport the seed for many kilometres
  • avoiding using aquarium plants or garden ornamental plants and making sure you never dispose of them where they can spread to natural water bodies
  • remembering to wash your vehicle, shoes and clothing when leaving an area known to contain weeds
  • keeping an eye out for weeds known to cause problems
  • practising environmentally responsible horse and cattle management techniques
  • becoming an active member of a local conservation group or join our environmental programs.

Positive identification

If you think you have found a pest plant, you should take a cutting and have someone positively identify the weed. This will make sure you receive the correct control information.

Our City Safety and Liveability Branch can help you identify weeds from your garden and will give you advice on how to control them. You can also visit the Biosecurity Queensland website and the Queensland Herbarium website for help identifying the weed.

Weeds of Logan Directory

We have created a weed identification tool that is categorised by growth form. 

Please use the tiles below to find out more information about common weeds in Logan.


Please note that, whilst due care has been taken when creating this tool, it does not represent a comprehensive list of all environmental weeds found in Logan, nor does it cover all possible removal and control techniques available.

Recommendations are for private land use only. No works are to be carried out on public land unless authorised by the relevant authority. We accept no responsibility for decisions and actions taken as a result of any of this content.

This tool has been developed to aid weed recognition and should be used as a guide only. You should seek professional advice before undertaking weed control works.

Helpful links

To find out more, please visit the below websites:

You can visit your app store to download the following Apps to your mobile:

  • Weeds of South East QLD
  • Environmental Weeds of Australia.

Local Conservation Groups:

To find out more about the Local Conservation Groups, please visit the below websites: