Accessible and inclusive design

What is accessible and inclusive design?

Accessible and inclusive design considers the needs of people with disabilities and mobility challenges.

As well as our obligations under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992, we aim to provide facilities, services and programs that include and promote participation by people with all abilities in our City.

How does the Logan Planning Scheme 2015 promote accessible and inclusive design?

The Logan Planning Scheme 2015 requires that building work and operational work be designed and undertaken in line with Australian Standards and the National Construction Code where relevant. These standards have been developed to consider access and inclusion.

The Logan Planning Scheme 2015 also makes references to safe, accessible and inclusive design. These references are outlined below.


Part of the Logan Planning Scheme 2015

Safe and accessible built environment

Strategic framework

Accessible traffic islands

Planning scheme policy 5

Accessible movement network

Planning scheme policy 5

Graded kerb ramps

Planning scheme policy 5

Graded detention systems for open space use

Planning scheme policy 5

Accessible building entrances

Planning scheme policy 8

Accessible formal and informal spaces within centres

Planning scheme policy 8

Accessible street layout adjoining centres

Planning scheme policy 8