We developed our first international relations program in 1995. The program created exchange opportunities for local residents, schools and businesses.
Our international relations program has brought many benefits to Logan’s residents, particularly to our young people. Many young people have participated in overseas exchanges through the program.
Sister cities, economic and friendship agreements
Hirakata City, Japan
Hirakata City is located between Osaka City and the popular tourist destination of Kyoto.
Our sister city agreement with Hirakata was signed in 1995, making them our first sister city. The agreement focuses on cooperating in education, culture and trade. We’ve recently added to the agreement by committing to advance economic exchange featuring the best characteristics of both cities.
Shibukawa City, Japan
Shibukawa City is located on the Honshu Islands, north west of Tokyo.
Our official sister city ties with Shibukawa were created in 1996. The agreement promotes exchange in education, culture and sports.
Suzhou City, China
Suzhou City is located on the south east coast of China, north west of Shanghai. A Friendship City Relationship Memorandum was first signed with Suzhou in 2005. In 2009, Suzhou became our sister city, encouraging cooperation in economic exchange and trade, science and technology, culture, sports, public health and education.
Taoyuan City, Taiwan
Taoyuan City is located north east of Taoyuan County in Taiwan.
Exchange between Logan and Taoyuan started in the early 1990s and official sister city ties were created in 1996. The agreement promotes the development of closer cultural, educational, economic and social links.
For more information, please visit the Taoyuan website.
Cincinnati, USA
Cincinnati is located in the mid-west of the USA in the State of Ohio. We signed an economic agreement with Cincinnati in 2017 to promote economic cooperation, and educational and cultural exchanges.
For more information, please visit the Cincinnati website.
Logan Youth Music Exchange
The Logan Youth Music Exchange (LYME) is an important and successful part of our sister cities program. Since 2001, LYME has travelled to many of our sister cities to perform in concerts.
Art exchange
The City of Logan hosts cultural exchanges for performing and visual artists. The program gives Logan residents an opportunity to see and hear artists from our sister cities.
Each year, Logan students show their work at the Hirakata International Children’s Festival in Japan. Every two years, Logan Art Gallery hosts the Shibukawa and Logan Sister City student art exhibition, following its exhibition in Shibukawa.