Construction site crime prevention

Construction site crime is expensive. It can delay project schedules and give your business a bad reputation. Thieves may see a construction site as an easy target if it lacks proper security and loss-prevention practices.

Here are some security measures you can put in place on-site to help prevent theft.

Engrave or mark your tools

Mark your property with a form of identification, like your personal initials, to deter thieves. This will make it more difficult for thieves to offload goods. It can also help police identify and return your tools if they are stolen.

Secure tools and materials when not in use

Leaving tools or materials laying around can attract thieves. If you have trouble remembering to lock away your tools or secure the jobsite, consider setting an alarm on your phone each day as a reminder.

Display appropriate signage

Add signage in and around your jobsite. Aim to show that only authorised personnel are permitted and that the premises are under 24 hour surveillance. This can deter thieves from entering your jobsite.

Fence or barricade your jobsite

Add a locked fence or barricade your jobsite. This makes entry to your site more difficult. It also makes it obvious to passers-by when someone is on-site who shouldn’t be.

Keep your jobsite well-lit after hours

Thieves target unprotected jobsites where they can get in and out undetected. A well-lit jobsite may deter thieves from entering the area and will increase the chance that they will be seen and caught.

Install surveillance systems

Install one or more of the following surveillance systems to help deter jobsite theft and aid police investigations:

  • CCTV
  • alarm system
  • sensor lighting
  • security patrols.

Keep your jobsite organised

Organise your jobsite. Store your tools in one spot or in a toolbox clearly marked as yours. This will make it more difficult to lose tools or have them stolen without anyone noticing.

Track your inventory

Tighten up your inventory. Make sure there is an accurate paper trail showing when supplies will arrive onsite and who will take delivery of them. People are generally more protective of things that they are held personally responsible for.

Keep accurate records

File hard copies or take photos of serial numbers, invoices, receipts and warranties for your tools and equipment. This is a good practice for tax purposes and will help if you need to make a complaint to police or lodge an insurance claim when an item is lost or stolen.

Schedule deliveries on an as-needed basis

Avoid ordering excessive materials. Try to have items delivered to the jobsite only once you need them. Buy only what you need when you need it. Materials you leave lying around jobsites are prime targets for opportunistic thieves.

Useful safety contacts

  • Policelink: 131 444
  • Emergencies (Triple zero): 000
  • Crime Stoppers: 1800 333 000
  • Hoon hotline: 134 666

For more information contact us on 07 3412 3412 or email