Environmental offsets transcript

Start of transcript

Text on screen:

A nature scene with several trees in the background. There is a woman standing in the foreground looking pensive with her hand on her chin. Some trees disappear from the left-hand side but more appear on the right-hand side. There is a large blue banner with the following words on it “Environmental Offsets explained…”


Did you know when native trees are cleared in Logan, more trees are planted elsewhere?

Text on screen:

A yellow background with a single tree in the middle. The following words are written above the tree “Environmental Offset”.


This is called an environmental offset.

Text on screen:

The screen splits into two different pictures. On the left-hand side is a picture of three trees, two of these trees are removed and a shed is built in their place. On the right-hand side a picture of a vacant property with four new trees appearing on it. These new trees represent replacements trees for the two removed from the other side of the screen.


It’s our way of making sure native trees and plants lost through clearing are replaced.

Text on screen:

The screen shows a property with a road on one side of it. The property has several trees scattered over it and is divided up into many quadrants. A large square appears on the screen. This square represents an area to be cleared. In the square’s first location, there are no trees and the following words appear at the bottom of the screen “avoid it”. In the second location, the square grows in size to effect half of the trees before shrinking slightly to only effect one tree and the following words appear at the bottom of the screen “minimise it”.

The tree that is removed is replaced by two others and the following word appears at the bottom of the screen “offset”.


To help keep our city green, it’s important to remember 3 simple things when you’re thinking about clearing:

  1. If possible, avoid it; (2 second pause)
  2. If you can’t avoid it, minimise it; (2 second pause) and
  3. If trees are going to be cleared, you’ll need to provide an offset.

An offset could be planting more trees on your site.

Text on screen:

A dollar sign appears in the middle of the screen which is then replaced with a nature scene with several new trees appearing in the foreground.


Or it could be paying a contribution to Council, which we use to plant trees elsewhere in our city.

Text on screen:

The screen splits into two different pictures. On the left-hand side is a picture of a tree being removed. Sitting across both pictures are a set of old fashioned scales. On the right-hand side a new tree appears looking like the one removed on the left-hand side. As the new tree appears the scales tip in that direction.


It’s all about making sure that the environmental values that are lost are replaced.

Text on screen:

A nature scene appears with several new trees appearing in the foreground. On the right-hand side of the picture is a vertical bar graph and a picture of a tree above it. As new trees appear in the nature scene the bar graph gets higher and higher. The words 70,000 trees and 70 hectares appear on the screen.


Since 2014, the financial contributions collected through our offset policy have seen more than 70,000 trees planted and more than 70 hectares of land re-vegetated across our city.

Text on screen:

A plain yellow background with a single tree in the middle. The following words are written above the tree “Environmental Offset”.


As you can see, environmental offsets play an important role in our growing city.

Text on screen:

A nice park scene appears. There are trees in the background and lots of people enjoying the outdoors – adults exercising and kids playing.


They help protect and enhance our environment for future generations.

Text on screen:

A map of Logan appears with a big question mark in the middle of it. The question mark turns into the Logan City Council website (Logan.qld.gov.au).


If you want to know more about how things work? Visit the Logan City Council website. 

End of transcript