Did you know, this is illegal dumping? - Green Waste Transcript

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A house and backyard scene is in the background. A man walks to the foreground towards a wire fence carrying palm fronds. The man drops the pile of palm fronds over the fence onto the ground.


Did you know this is illegal dumping?


The man standing behind the wire fence empties a mower catcher full of grass clippings over the fence onto the ground.
A red box with red writing appears on screen, in the box are the words “$4000* FINE” and “*Larger fines apply for businesses”. The scene zooms in to grass clippings and palm fronds falling on the ground.

Screen fades to white.


Dumping household garden waste on public land or over the back fence can cost up to $4,000 in fines.


A house is in the background. The man walks into view from the left pushing a mower. At the same time, a woman walks into view from the right pushing a wheelie bin with a green lid. There are palm fronds laying on the ground in the foreground.

An open green wheelie bin is at the centre of the screen with the man standing next to it on the left and the woman on the right. The man and woman place palm fronds into wheelie bin. The man closes the green lid of wheelie bin.

A car towing a trailer full of palm fronds and garden waste drives into the entrance of the Logan Village Waste and Recycling Facility. The sign of the facility is in the foreground.


You can dispose of green waste by ordering a green bin from Council. Or take it to one of Logan’s waste and recycling facilities for free.


The car and trailer full of garden waste is being reversed into the green waste recycling area.

The man is emptying the garden waste from trailer onto a pile of green waste at the Waste and Recycling facility.


For more tips on how to dispose of unwanted items


The words “Our city, our home” pop up, followed by the words “For more information: lcc.qld.com/waste-disposal” in blue text on a white background across the screen.

The Logan City Council logo appears at the bottom of the screen.


Or to report illegal dumping, search waste-disposal

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