How to use a compost bin? Recycling your food waste video transcript

Start of transcript

Text on screen:

Recycling… As easy as red. Yellow. Green!


The greyscale animation pans down from the sky passed trees and houses to reveal personified compost bin wearing glasses. The perspective zooms in on the compost bin character as she waves her pointer finger in the air.

Compost bin:

Listen up, whippersnappers. Old Compost Bin’s here to tell you quit wasting your waste!


To the left of the Compost Bin, an image of a red general waste bin appears with the text “46% of household waste is compostable” written below it. A rotating globe animation appears next to the red general waste bin and two dark green waves appear over the globe.

Compost bin:

Around 46% of your average household garbage is compostable. Letting it go to landfill leads to the production of harmful greenhouse gases.


The perspective zooms in to a close up of the compost bin as it waves it’s point finger above its lid. A bag of fertiliser appears above the bin’s lid. The perspective zooms out and the bag of compost begins to the right, over the top of the compost bin and then tips to pour out the fertiliser into a garden bed next to the compost bin. Suddenly crops of carrots, lettuce and tomatoes appear in the garden bed, ready to harvest.

Compost bin:

Plus, you’d be missing out on top grade fertiliser for your garden. That’s because composted waste has rich nutrients that improve soil quality.


Perspective zooms back to a close up of the compost bin before zooming out again as a arch of object appears over the compost bin. From left to right: a banana peel, an apple core, a brown pile with flies over it, newspaper, lawn clippings, green leaves, tea bags, and a grey pile. The items fly to pile on top of one another as the compost bin opens it’s lid. The pile of objects then fly into the compost bin.

Compost bin:

Fruit and veg scraps, lawn clippings, leaves, and even coffee grounds make great composting materials.


More items begin to appear above the compost bin one by one. A bone and a steak, bread, milk, and a bowl of rice, followed with a pile of poo next to small images of a cat and dog. The items then fly off screen away from the compost bin character as the cover their stomach with their hands.

Compost bin:

But no meats or dairy products, my darlings. I’m intolerant. The same goes for bread, rice and pasta.


A worm farm appears to the left of the compost bin. Watermelon rind, a banana peel, an eggshell and an apple core also appear and fly into the worm farm. A speech bubble appears and inside it is a worm smiling. Then a garlic, lemon and chilli appear, and the worm starts to frown. A large, prohibited sign then appears over the worm farm. The garlic, lemon and chilli then fly off screen. The prohibited symbol disappears, and the worm begins to smile again. The worm and worm farm disappear, and the perspective zooms back in on the compost bin character.

Compost bin:

Worm farms are another great way to dispose of fruit and veg scraps. Keep in mind your worms can be fussy. They won’t take things like garlic, citrus or chilli. But don’t hold that against them.


The compost bin raises its hands in the air and a $50 note appears above it’s head. The perspective zooms out as the $50 note disappears. An apple drops from the sky and the compost bin character catches it before taking a bite. The perspective then pans up to reveal text on the screen.

Compost bin:

Did you know? Council has a rebate scheme where you can get your worm farm or compost bin now to receive a $50 rebate! Then site back and reap the rewards. Yep! Can’t beat home grown.

Text on screen:

Visit to find out more and register for your rebate.

End of transcript.