How do I apply for a water carrier licence?

All water carrier food business licence applications need:

  • confirmation that your water carrier vehicle compiles with the standards listed above. If your tanker does not meet these standards you will not be issued with a water carrier food business licence
  • written confirmation that the delivery hoses comply with relevant Australian Standards, e.g. AS 2070- 1999 Plastic materials for food contact use or relevant international standard. You may need to contact the manufacturer/supplier for written confirmation
  • written confirmation that the lining materials used within containers and fittings comply with Australian Standard 4020-2018 Testing of products for use in contact with drinking water. You may need to contact the manufacturer/supplier for written confirmation
  • written confirmation that the source of drinking water that you intend to cart is potable and meets the drinking water standards
  • a basic plan of the tanker showing all the items required (hoses, valves etc)
  • nominate a Food Safety Supervisor.

Once, you have completed the above you can apply for a licence.

To apply for a licence to carry water, you need to apply:

If you are applying for a Mobile Food Licence as a water carrier, other approvals needed may include: