Improved standards and relationship for Meakin Park softball grounds

Principal petitioner Anne Pearce
Closing Date 25 July 2022
Number of valid signatures 18
Status of ePetition Valid


Meakin Park is leased to Meakin Park Junior sporting association (MPJSA) who are required to maintain the fields. The major sporting use of the fields is by Logan City Softball Association (LCSA) for softball and every year the fields are left to ruin during the off season.

There are ongoing issues at the commencement of every year as MPJSA do not fix the fields as required and all attempts by LCSA to obtain the lease have been rejected by council. LCSA are requesting a petition so players and locals can weigh in on the conditions on the fields and the inability to play entire seasons.

LCSA are requesting better maintenance of Meakin Park and better assistance from Logan Council to address the issues that are raised yearly.

Petitions express the views of the Principal petitioner and may not represent the views of Council.