Leopardwood Road, Cedar Grove

We are pleased to announce the commencement of road rehabilitation project at Cedar Grove. These works are part of our Rehabilitation program to improve the local roads in our City.

Where Leopardwood Road at Cedar Grove - from Brushwood Crescent to the cul-de-sac.
  • Start Late February 2024
  • Finish September 2024
Work hours

6:30am to 4:30pm

Monday to Friday

Some works may occur outside of the work hours.

What is happening
  • Widening and reconstructing this section of Leopardwood Road.
  • Reshape of road verges and open drains including installing stormwater pipes at driveway crossings (where required)
  • Associated activities like:
    • installation of traffic signs
    • line marking
    • landscaping work
    • driveway reconstruction works (where needed).
Please note Start and finish dates are subject to weather or construction conditions.

What can I expect?

Temporary construction impacts include:

  • loss of street parking and restricted driveway access at times (affected residents will be notified)
  • lane closures
  • traffic congestion
  • reduced speed limits
  • footpath closures around work sites
  • noise
  • dust
  • vibration and flashing lights from trucks and machinery
  • vgetation removal and / or trimming in Council road reserve as required.

Thank you for your patience as we work to improve our road network.

Be prepared

  • add an extra 10 minutes to your travel time
  • if we are working outside your property and you need to get in or out, please let us know ahead of time by phone and / or talk with the traffic controllers on site
  • please advise us if there are occupants with health conditions that may need emergency response or healthcare services that need access
  • if you have a Heavy Vehicle Parking Permit, please contact us to make arrangements.

Project work map

An aerial map of project area highlighting Leopardwood Road from Brushwood Crescent to the cul-de-sac

Update - Spray Seal

We are placing a pavement primer seal, which will take place outside your property on Thursday 25th July 2024 (weather and construction conditions permitting). These works are part of Local Road Upgrade Works on Leopardwood Road, Cedar Grove.

Please be advised, driveway access to your property may be restricted/unavailable for a period of time between 7:00am to 3:00pm. Additionally, please avoid parking on the work area while the construction work is in progress.

Council’s onsite project team will be available to address any enquiries.

We appreciate your patience, cooperation, and apologise for any inconvenience caused by these Construction works.

Contact us

If you have any questions, or need to contact the project communications team, please: