Logan Eco Awards

The biennial Logan Eco Awards recognise and celebrate local champions who are making a positive contribution to the city's environment through sustainable initiatives.

2024 Logan Eco Awards

Nominate an individual, business or community organisation who are contributing their skills, time and passion towards making Logan a more environmentally friendly and sustainable city.

2024 Recipients 

Category Name



Eco Champion

(Joint winners were awarded this year)

Samantha Longman

  • Attending well over 100 wildlife rescue callouts across Logan and successful releasing 40 species.
  • Delivering wildlife carer training workshops, providing mentor support for new carers/rescuers, and providing on-the-spot education during wildlife rescues to members of the Logan community.
  • Holding the positions of Vice-President and Donations Coordinator (non-monetary) for Wildcare Australia Inc.

Jason Roebig

  • Successfully rescuing and relocating more than 100 native bee colonies.
  • Establishing multiple bee sanctuaries across various the Logan community and advocating for pollinator-friendly policies in local schools.
  • Partnering with Flower Hive to develop bee-friendly seed bombs that aid in the construction of urban bee habitats.

Eco Youth Champion

Joey Swatton

  • Setting up and monitoring trail cameras on his property - over 9 different species of native animals seen.
  • Traveling to Girraween National Park with Paul from the Quoll Society of Australia to learn firsthand how to set traps and document quolls.
  • Delivering presentations to educate and raise awareness about quolls, their habitat, and the need to care for and protect our environment.

Highly commended was also awarded this year:

Tyler Tawse

  • Meeting Federal Government ministers when they announced $1 million investment to clean up Slacks Creek which backs onto his school.
  • Designing a filter that could be used to help clean up local creeks and waterways.
  • Advocating for extra recycling bins put in at school to help reduce waste going to landfill.

Eco Community Organisation

Slacks Creek Catchment Restoration Group

  • Receiving State Government grant funding for Melaleuca irbyana Enhancement Project and the Slacks Creek Community-based Mangrove Restoration Project.
  • Delivering 19 working bees at Griffith University Arboretum and Riverdale Park.
  • Planting 2,000 native trees and grasses, as well as 500 endangered Melaleuca irbyana that are mapped for future monitoring.

Highly commended was also awarded this year:

Jimboomba Community Garden

  • Delivering multiple community workshops and events, including a Permablitz and Costa-Crow competition (attended by Costa himself!).
  • Delivering weekly working bees, crop swap, seed saving and school holiday art programs.
  • Providing NDIS carers and their clients a quiet space twice a week for their craft activities.

Eco Business

Edge Early Learning Marsden

  • Delivering programs about local native flora and fauna to help children learn about the natural wonders of our land.
  • Setting up a bush kindy for children to explore and learn about the wetlands in our community.
  • Training for staff in the 5 steps to Embedding Sustainability with Real World Learning.

Award categories

Eco Champion



This award recognises an individual who has demonstrated an outstanding contribution and commitment to protecting and enhancing the natural environment and/or improving sustainability within the City of Logan.

Eco Youth Champion

This award recognises an individual aged under 24 who has demonstrated an outstanding contribution and commitment to protecting and enhancing the natural environment and/or improving sustainability within the City of Logan.

Eco Business

Recognises projects and initiatives by the following types of entrants:

  • Businesses
  • TAFEs, universities and other higher education institutions
  • Other government agencies

This award recognises a business operating within the City of Logan that has that has demonstrated an outstanding contribution and commitment to protecting and enhancing the natural environment and/or improving sustainability as part of their day-to-day operations and business practices.

Eco Community Organisation

Recognises projects and initiatives by the following types of entrants:

  • Not-for-profit organisations and charities
  • Community groups, clubs and associations
  • Primary and secondary schools

This award recognises a not-for-profit organisation operating within the City of Logan that has demonstrated an outstanding contribution and commitment to protecting and enhancing the natural environment and/or improving sustainability within the City of Logan through community projects and initiatives.

How to nominate

  • Nominations may only be made online through the official Logan Eco Awards Nomination Form.
  • Nomination forms must include completed nominator and nominee details, criteria question responses (no more than 300 words), and two images. Businesses and organisations will also be required, where relevant, to include any social media and website links, and logos.
  • Nominators are required to tell nominees that they will be supplying their personal information to Council with regard to their nomination.
  • Late nominations will not be accepted.

Key dates

  • Nominations open 15 March 2024, 9:00am.
  • Nominations close 22 April 2024, 5:00pm.
  • Award recipients presented at the Logan Eco Celebration on Saturday 29 June 2024.

Judging process

  • Nominations will be reviewed by an appointed judging panel.
  • The selection of recipients will be based upon the nominations received and information available to the judging panel at the time. 
  • If nominations are not deemed eligible for the selected category, the judging panel will make a decision as to the best category in which to assess the nomination.  
  • The judges’ decision is final, and no correspondence will be entered into.

General eligibility criteria

  • Nominees must be a resident, business or community organisation within the City of Logan at the time of nomination.
  • Nominees’ demonstrable achievements, activities and/or results must have been undertaken within Logan City Council Local Government Area.
  • Nominees for the Eco Youth Champion Award must be under 24 years of age as of Sunday 30 June 2024.
  • Previous recipients may apply again, and nominations will be judged on their achievements in the period since their previous award.
  • Nominations for those who are also employed by Logan City Council will be subject to potential conflict of interest considerations.
  • Logan City Council elected representatives are not eligible for nomination.
  • All nomination information and material submitted will be kept by Logan City Council.
  • Nominators and nominees agree to be contacted by Logan City Council staff to verify details submitted as part of their nomination.
  • Nominees agree to allow the use of their nomination information for publicity and marketing purposes (personal details will not be used).
  • Award recipients should be available to attend the Logan Eco Celebration on Saturday 29 June, 2024. Inability to attend does not disqualify entry.
  • Award recipients will receive a prize valued at $250. Logan City Council does not accept liability, or will not reissue, prizes that are lost, damaged or misdirected.

Privacy policy

Logan City Council collects nominators' and nominees' personal information for the purpose of conducting, assessing and promoting this competition; this includes determining and notifying winners. Nominators can only provide personal information obtained with the express consent of nominees in accordance with the Information Privacy Principles (Qld). Personal information may be accessed by employees, contractors, and/or Councillors of Logan City Council, and other government agencies. Personal information will be handled in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld) and may be released to other parties where Logan City Council is required or authorised by law to do so. For more information on Logan City Council’s privacy policy, see Privacy

More information

If you need more information, please email environment@logan.qld.gov.au  

Previous Logan Eco Award recipients


2019 Winner

2022 Winner

Eco Champion

Norman Joseph Smith

Joint winners were awarded in this year:

Dr Margaret Greenway and Jen Pedler

Junior Eco Champion

Ciarna Thorn

Katie Knight

A highly commended was also awarded in this year:

Georgia Leo

Eco Organisation

Boronia Eco Club

Chatswood Hills State School

Eco Business

Natural Elements Early Learning Centre

Joint winners were awarded in this year:

Browns Plains Bottles and Cans and Edge Early Learning Centre