Logan Reserve Road to Waterford Tamborine Road Alignment Investigation

We are assessing road alignment options to improve major road network connectivity in and around Chambers Flat and Logan Reserve, down to Logan Village.

You can download a map showing the investigation area (PDF 100 KB).

Why is a new road alignment needed?

Traffic volumes are set to rise across our road network.

We need to look at alternative options between the Chambers Flat Road / Logan Reserve Road intersection and Anzac Avenue / Waterford Tamborine Road intersection.

The project aims to improve traffic flow in the area as vehicle numbers increase, and network reliability through improved flood protection for the road corridor.

It will also provide better north-south connectivity as the city’s road network develops into the future.

Project features

At this early stage, the project is looking at options to provide:

  • Four 3.5-metre-wide travel lanes (i.e. 2 lanes in each direction separated by a central median)
  • 3-metre-wide breakdown lanes on both sides of the road.
  • Improved intersection operations, including installation of signals at major intersections.
  • New cycling and pedestrian facilities.

Have your say

From 25 November 2021 to 4 February 2022, we asked the community to provide feedback on what they felt is important when considering where the new road should go.

The survey is now closed and we would like to thank all those that contributed to the Have Your Say survey. You can view the results in the Community consultation summary (PDF 1.6 MB).

Project timing

The next stage of the project is to assess potential road alignment options to determine the most appropriate alignment to be taken forward to detailed design.

We will keep the community informed as we work through the options. We will also be updating this page with the latest information so you can keep up to date.

Contact us

If you would like more information about the project, please:

  • Phone: (07) 3412 5898
  • Email: RoadComms@logan.qld.gov.au
  • Write to: Road Infrastructure Delivery, Logan City Council, PO Box 3226, Logan City DC, QLD, 4114.