Light nuisance

Light nuisance can impact normal daily activities and can even affect health and wellbeing, especially when it disturbs sleep.

Lights nuisances come from many sources like security lights, spot lights and floodlights.

Investigating reports of light nuisance

We investigate reports of light nuisance in line with our Local Law No. 10 (Public Health) 1999. We investigate:

  • the amount of light being emitted (we may measure the brightness of the light)
  • how long the light is on
  • the type of light
  • the sensitivity of the environment
  • the impact the light has had or may have
  • the opinions of other neighbours.

If we find that the light is causing a nuisance, we may issue a compliance notice to the light owner. In the compliance notice, we explain the problem and give a timeframe for the light owner to fix the issue. We may issue a fine if the light owner does not comply with the notice.

For more information or to report an issue, please call us on 07 3412 3412 or email us at

How you can help to reduce light problems

You can help to reduce light nuisances by:

  • turning off lights if you are not using them for security
  • using sensor switches
  • not putting lights near neighbours
  • not putting lights near sensitive areas like neighbours’ bedroom windows
  • not putting lights near reflective surfaces – so glare is kept to a minimum
  • using features like trees to hide light
  • directing light downwards to light target areas
  • using light shields and baffles to help keep light to a minimum – these can minimise light spread
  • making sure the main light beam is kept below 70 degrees from horizontal.