Organisation structure

Our structure is based on 5 directorates. We have branches within each directorate that manage our operations and services.

Download our organisation structure (PDF 580 KB).

Organisational Services

  • Corporate Governance
  • Corporate Property
  • Finance
  • Information Technology Services
  • Legal Services (City Solicitor)

People and Engagement

  • Advocacy program
  • Corporate Communications
  • Customer Service and Information
  • People and Culture

Growth, Economy and Sustainability

  • Development Assessment
  • Economic Development and City Planning
  • Health, Climate and Conservation
  • Waste and Resource Recovery

Community and Lifestyle

  • Community Development Program
  • City Safety and Livability
  • Sports and Community Infrastructure
  • Venues and Events
  • Libraries and Creative Industries
  • Parks

Transport Services

  • Community and Corporate Resilience program
  • Road Construction and Maintenance
  • Road Infrastructure Delivery
  • Road Infrastrucutre Planning
  • Plant Fleet Services

Logan Water

  • Water Infrastructure Solutions
  • Water Service Delivery
  • Water Service Performance