
Spotted-tail quolls

Spotted-tailed quolls (Dasyurus maculatus) are mainland Australia’s largest living carnivorous marsupial.

They are:

  • about the size of a cat, however unlike cats, they are vital apex predators in Australian ecosystems
  • fawn to ginger in colour with uneven white spots all the way to the tail, hence the name
  • pale to creamy on their face and underbelly, and females have a pouch
  • mostly nocturnal predators and solitary animals, coming together only to breed
  • alive for 3-4 years, and the female rarely breeds after the age of 3, which may contribute to their threatened status.

They are listed as Endangered under the Nature Conservation Act 1992 and Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

Quolls in Logan

Spotted-tailed quolls are elusive and rarely seen, making it difficult to estimate how many individuals remain.

The last confirmed sighting in Logan was a deceased male quoll on the side of the Mt Lindesay Highway in 2005.

In 2021 a scat (faeces) collected during a targeted Council survey was identified as quoll.

Spotted-tailed quolls face a number of serious threats including:

  • land clearing which results in loss of habitat
  • accidental road deaths and being killed in poultry yards
  • poisoned by eating cane toads and 1080 baits and
  • predation and competition by dogs, cats (that eat young quoll) and foxes (minor threat).

To watch our video on quoll detection dogs in action, visit our YouTube channel

How you can help quolls

You can help save the quoll by improving habitat on your property and letting us know if you think you’ve seen a quoll.

Get involved in threatened species conservation in the following ways:

  • report sightings or evidence of quolls through the Council’s wildlife sightings or call us on 3412 3412. We use this information to better manage and protect quolls
  • help spread awareness by talking to your neighbours, friends and family about quolls
  • create a wildlife friendly environment by:
    • planting native plants and removing weeds on your property
    • joining our free Environmental Conservation Partnerships program for support including free native plants, nest boxes and access to expert advice for your property
    • installing nest boxes for wildlife (food for quolls)
    • keeping your pets indoors/denned at night and within a designated area/enclosure when outdoors
  • download the Saving the Spotted-Tailed Quoll Landholders Guide (PDF 9.09 MB) to learn more on how you can help save a species
  • Get involved in our programs and events held throughout the year to support quoll conservation. To learn more, see Environmental events.

How are we helping quolls in the City of Logan?

We are committed to protecting quolls within the City of Logan.

Council has partnered with consultants and organisations including Wildlife Preservation Society Queensland (WPSQ) and the Quoll Seekers Network, as well as Carnarvon Canines and the University of Sunshine Coast to establish the existence of quolls in Logan.

Multiple targeted surveys have been done on private property and Council land across the city to locate and identify quolls using various methods including on-ground transects, camera monitoring and specialised odour detection dog surveys.

WPSQ have been successful in obtaining EnviroGrants funding to undertake surveys and have collaborated with Council to produce a landholder guide on saving the spotted-tailed quoll.

We offer a range of support through our Environmental Conservation Partnerships to help protect the natural areas on private land across the city.