Rates discount and refund requests

Rates discount

We offer a prompt payment discount of $120 per year ($30 per quarter) to properties categorised in the Residential 1 general rating category provided rates and charges are paid in full by the quarterly due date.

If the rate account is not paid in full by the quarterly due date the discount is not applied.

Consideration will be given to re-applying the discount and reversing interest charged after the quarterly due date under certain circumstances. More information can be found on the request form below.

To apply to have the discount re-instated and reverse interest charges, please fill in our online form or download the Rates discount and interest request form (PDF 541 KB).

Request refund or transfer of amount to another rates account

If you have overpaid rates to your property, you can request a refund or transfer to another rates account.

To request a refund of a credit amount or to transfer an amount to another rates account, please fill in our online form or download the Rates refund request/transfer form (PDF 508 KB).

Frequently asked questions

Why does Council need proof of payment to process my request?

When a payment is received by Council, in most cases, we can’t see any details of where the payments came from. We ask for proof of payment so that we can reconcile against our records and investigate further.

How much evidence do I need to provide?

We ask for proof of payment for the total value of the refund or transfer of payment amount requested. If these payments were made in increments, you need to supply proof of the individual payments made.

What is sufficient proof of payment?

The best form of proof of payment is your bank statement. Bank statements show your payment details made to Council (You can hide all of your other transactions if you want on the statement). The statement needs to include the payment reference details, date, time, amounts paid and the associated account name it originated from - example of a bank statement.

If you can provide any other non-editable acceptable forms of proof, then we will review that as well.

I have Direct Debit set up with Council, do I still need proof?

We ask you to supply as much information as you can, however, as the transaction was set up by Council, we may be able to trace payments made from the same account. If the account details do not match, then we will ask you to supply more information.

I have paid the wrong rates assessment number

Don’t worry, if you can supply proof that you have paid the incorrect rates account, we may be able to transfer your funds to the right rates assessment. Just make sure you delete all incorrect payment reference details for future payments.

I have sold my property recently and accidentally paid the wrong rates account

If you have made a payment close to a property settlement, you will need to provide sufficient proof of payment and written confirmation from both the seller and purchaser’s solicitor to make sure rate adjustments were not made in the property settlement.

Do I have to get a refund or transfer of payment?

No, if you don’t request a refund or transfer of payment any overpayments made to the individual rate account will contribute towards a credit balance on your next quarterly rates notice.