Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design
We design city spaces that improve safety and reduce crime using the principles of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED).
Crime-prevention design can be applied to houses, parks, toilet blocks, public areas and car parks. For more information, please download the Crime prevention through environmental design fact sheet (PDF 8.2 KB).
The Logan Planning Scheme 2015 includes a policy on crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED). This policy provides guidelines that developers must follow to ensure that new developments meet crime-prevention design principles.
For more information, please call us on 07 3412 4608 or email us at
Be an active bystander - Eyes and ears out and about
Getting out in your local neighbourhood is great for you and your dog and if you keep your eyes and ears out and about, it could be great for the safety of your local community too.
If you see a crime being committed or someone acting suspiciously next time you’re out and about - Don’t ignore it #Report It.
If you see a crime being committed call triple zero (000) immediately.
In a non-emergency situation:
- call Policelink on 131 444
- call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000
- report online on the Police website.
Being an active bystander isn’t only about reporting crime. You can also be an active bystander by reporting graffiti, potholes or other damaged Council property:
For more information about being an active bystander, download our Eyes and Ears Out and About flyer (PDF 481 KB).
Safety in our parks
The best way to keep our parks safe is to make sure that the community feel a sense of ownership and make full use of the park.
People are more likely to ‘protect’ a space if they have a connection and respect for that space. To do this, we need to make sure they feel empowered to respond to situations in a way that will enhance the safety and security of the community.
For more information, please download the Keeping our parks safe fact sheet (PDF 469 KB). You can also download and fill in our Community safety park audit template (PDF 353 KB) to report safety issues in parks.
Safety for community and sporting facilities
The best way to protect our city's community facilities is to identify, assess and put strategies in place to help reduce the risk of your organisation or club being impacted by crime.
For more information, download Keeping our community facilities safe fact sheet (PDF 730 KB). You can also download and fill in our Community facilities safety audit template (PDF 345 KB) to report safety issues in community and sporting facilities.
Living in rural areas or near open space (parks)
While being surrounded by nature can be peaceful, there are many safety precautions residents living in rural areas or near open spaces should be aware of.
For more information, download our Living in rural area or near open spaces (Parks) (PDF 1.43 MB).