Teviot Road Upgrade

Wide angle view of Teviot Road with 7 Eleven in the background

Project overview

We are widening Teviot Road to help ease traffic congestion. 

Latest update

Teviot Road Greenbank Shopping Centre temporary right turn closure


We’re partially closing the Teviot Road Greenbank Shopping Centre intersection (next to Ampol) temporarily as of Wednesday 12 February 2025 to help speed up stage 1A of the project. Please use the Pub Lane entrance instead during this time if driving south. Shopping centre car park users will still be able to exit via the partially closed Teviot Road intersection to the north. Access via Pub Lane to the shopping centre will remain open throughout. We apologise for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience during these vital works.


Map of the Greenbank Shopping Centre on the corner of Pub Lane and Teviot Road showing no right turn to access the Greenbank Shopping Centre from Teviot Road.
Project updates


This complex upgrade will be delivered in multiple stages across the project zone.

Teviot Road is expected to see considerable traffic growth in future years because of residential and business expansion linked to the Queensland Government’s Priority Development Area of Greater Flagstone.

This upgrade will help ensure our local road network remains fit for purpose and can safely accommodate future traffic demands.

Middle Road and Teviot Road Interim Roundabout Improvements

As part of the Teviot Road Upgrade project, in December 2022 we delivered an interim upgrade to the roundabout at the Middle Road and Teviot Road intersection to help ease traffic congestion.

Project timing

Stage 1A (Greenbank Shopping Centre to just south of James Smith Recreation Area) is due to commence works late August 2024 and conclude mid-2025. Works are expected to take approximately 10 months, pending construction and weather conditions.

At this stage we do not have a timeline for constructing future stages. 

We will keep the community updated as the project progresses.

Project features

The design includes:  

  • widening Teviot Road to four lanes (two lanes in each direction) between Greenbank Road and the Middle Road roundabout
  • constructing a larger two-lane roundabout at the intersection of Teviot Road and Middle Road
  • upgrading the intersections at Stoney Camp Road, Leanne Court, Pub Lane, and Greenbank Road 
  • widening Pub Lane to four lanes (two lanes in each direction) between Teviot Road and the Greenbank Shopping Centre roundabout
  • improving walking and bike riding facilities.

Project benefits

The Teviot Road Upgrade will deliver a range of benefits including:

  • improved safety
  • more efficient traffic flow
  • more reliable travel times
  • a boost to the economy - in the short term through construction jobs and the longer term by improving connectivity.

Land requirements

To complete the project, some land will need to be acquired to widen sections of Teviot Road and Pub Lane.

We have identified and met with potentially impacted property owners. We aim to minimise property impacts as much as possible. 

Other related projects

Contact us

If you would like more information or to provide feedback about the project, please:

  • call our Project Communications Team on 07 3412 3412
  • email us at RoadComms@logan.qld.gov.au or
  • write to us by addressing your letter to:

Road Infrastructure Delivery – Teviot Road Upgrade
Logan City Council
PO Box 3226
Logan City DC, QLD, 4114.

Our project team will respond to community questions as soon as possible.