Disability Action Plan
We are committed to making the City of Logan an accessible and inclusive city for all. We listened to people with disability, their friends, families, support workers, and service providers to incorporate their voices into our Disability Action Plan 2023 - 2025 (PDF 5.8 MB).
The plan includes 105 actions to improve access and inclusion for people with disability in the City of Logan. Through these actions, we aim to improve outcomes in 7 key areas of community life:

2023 progress and highlights
Council endorsed our Disability Action Plan 2023 - 2025 in March 2023. By the end of the year we have:
- Completed 20 actions
- Commenced 31 actions
Highlights and achievements in our first year of implementation include:
- We engaged Community Resource Unit Ltd to develop and deliver Disability Awareness Training (online) and Disability Engagement Training (face to face). This is now available to all staff through our learning management system.
- We prepared Community Facility Design Guidelines which includes consideration of universal design principles and standards.
- We delivered disability awareness training to 8 community garden groups in partnership with Carers QLD.
- We partnered with JobAccess to identify opportunities to support and employ more people with disability, and to ensure our workplace is accessible and inclusive.
- We engaged Community Resource Unit to deliver Disability Awareness training to 18 Active & Healthy and KRANK providers. We are exploring how to increase engagement in this moving forward.
- The Logan Entertainment Centre made physical adjustments to wheelchair seats, tables, and the Box Office counter to improve wheelchair accessibility for visitors.
- We developed a social sensory story for Marsden Library to help people prepare for their visit to the library. This is available online and in hard copy at all libraries.
- Logan Libraries continued to update their collection, with 92 Dyslexia-friendly titles, 18 Dyslexia Readers titles and 7 Braille books now available.
- We installed incontinence product disposal bins in male public toilet facilities at Council’s libraries.
- We upgraded Eridani Park in Kingston with accessible parking, waterplay hand pump, swing, shelters and seating platforms, and pathway access.
- We upgraded Mabel Park in Slacks Creek with accessible parking, pathways, swing, BBQ, drinking fountain, shelters and seating.
- We incorporated braille and Auslan sign language into the master plan concept for Alexander Clark Park.
- We supported Bayside Wake Park and Kingston Butter Factory to participate in the Access Accelerator Program, an 8-week structured mentoring and guided activity delivered by Spinal Life and Cerge.
- The Kingston Butter Factory Cultural Precinct was named Queensland’s inaugural ‘Accessible Venue of the Year’ at the Queensland Music Awards.
- We now offer braille bin lid stickers, free of charge, for residents who are blind or have low vision. This complements our existing medical assistance bin and supported bin collection services.
- We engaged 2 schools and a specialised basketball provider to deliver a program incorporating basketball skills and games and conversations about disability inclusion.
2024 progress and highlights
By the end of 2024 we completed or commenced 90 (86 percent) of actions in our Disability Action Plan 2023 - 2025:
- Completed 51 actions
- Commenced a further 39 actions
Highlights and achievements in our second year of implementation include:
- 69 Council staff have completed the online Disability Awareness training (an additional 96 are enrolled), and 35 staff have completed in person Disability Engagement training since the training was made available in July 2023.
- 205 Council staff (including 91 staff within the Libraries and Creative Industries Branch) have completed the Sunflower Initiative 'Disability Awareness' training
- We launched 'Disability Engagement in Context' training which is an on-demand workshop for members of the same work area to receive contextualised guidance to improve access and inclusion for staff and customers with disabilities.
- We employed 2 part time employees with disabilities in partnership with Jigsaw. They gained skills and experience in records operational tasks and print room product finishing.
- We provided work experience opportunities for people with disabilities at 3 libraries.
- The Beenleigh Aquatic Centre employed a person in a wheelchair supported by the Mayor’s Employment Taskforce.
- We are preparing to launch a pilot for a pre-employment pathway program with our Plant Fleet Services Branch in early 2025.
- We partnered with Department of Small Business and Training, Maxima and AUSTSWIM to deliver an information session to potential Learn to Swim instructors for people returning to work who have a disability.
- We developed new braille and large print magnets for Home Library clients.
- We developed a social sensory story for Logan North Library to help people prepare for their visit to the library. This is available online and in hard copy at all libraries.
- The Kingston Butter Factory and Cultural Precinct was awarded ‘Accessible Venue of the Year’ for a second year at the 2024 Queensland Music Awards. The venue boasts various features including hearing loops, Auslan services, easy access to bathrooms, a hush room, and sensory considerations. People can access venue information prior to visiting via the Cerge app. Visit Logan Arts for more information.
- We launched the updated Sensory Room at Marsden Library which now includes a fibre optic fountain and STEM board. New products are being investigated for this space.
- Logan Libraries added 38 Dyslexia readers, 125 Accessible collection items (including games and sensory items) and 4 Braille items to their collection
- We delivered dedicated story time sessions for International Day of People with Disability at all Council libraries.
- Logan Libraries hosted a session with Melissa Savonoff to help parents assist children with sensory needs, with more sessions planned for February and March 2025.
- We commenced a bus shelter upgrade, including installation of approximately 40 new shelters, in partnership with TransLink.
- We commenced a new footpath data acquisition survey.
- We upgraded Alexander Clark Park in Loganholme with an accessible toilet and parking, flying fox, swing, pathway network, sensory garden, animal sculptures, shelters, seating and BBQ, Braille signage, Auslan signage, shelter, BBQ’s and picnic tables.
- We installed an accessible toilet block at Homestead Park in Shailer Park.
- We supported Uniting Care and family and disability support services to deliver a Family Fun Day as part of Child Protection Week.
- We engaged with 15 local tourism and hospitality businesses and internal teams to develop content for the Accessible Tourism webpage which was launched during Disability Action Week..
- We supported the Fresh Futures 2024 Expo to link young people living with a disability to employment and community participation opportunities.
- We partnered with BEST Weekly News team, young adults living with a disability, to create a video series on the role of Council in community.
- We signed up to become a member of the Sunflower Initiative, a global initiative promoting inclusivity for people with hidden disabilities.
- We commenced planning to conduct accessibility audits on all community and sporting facilities that are part of the Sports and Community Infrastructure branch asset list.
- The new Logan Indoor Sports Centre (announced in 2024) will be universally accessible. It will be able to accommodate a range of sports including wheelchair rugby, sitting volleyball and wheelchair basketball.
- Logan Water engaged Tim Lachlan to deliver a 'lunch and learn' session for Disability Action Week which was made available to all Council staff. Tim is a Logan resident with 15+ years of lived experience of disability and shared his story and insights about includability.
- Logan Water formed an internal working group to identify and progress actions to make their work more inclusive for staff and customers.
- We processed 43 applications for Council’s supported bin service in response to sharing information about the service to community.
- We updated the Safe City Awards to include criteria that specifically address access and inclusion and recognises design that enables engagement and inclusivity regardless of individual abilities.
- We did a photoshoot in partnership with a disability partner organisation. Resulting images will be included in Council's Digital Asset Management System for use in general promotional material.
- As an outcome of the disability training with community garden groups in 2023, Yarrabilba Community Garden installed accessible garden beds, and Beenleigh Community Garden engaged NDIS participants as volunteers. Carer's QLD also worked with Yarrabilba Community Garden to create a resource that sets out the principles of an inclusive garden - NDIS Community Gardens Stakeholder Resource.
- The Animal Management Centre (Queens Road Facility) was upgraded to be an accessible space.
- We now provide discounted registration fees for registered assistance dogs.
- We partnered with the First Nations Local Area Coordinator at Carers QLD to deliver information sessions at Logan Central Library for First Nations people living with disability. The sessions will commence in 2025 and provide one on one support to help navigate NDIS and other programs. The project will also deliver training to disability providers to build awareness and understanding of culturally inclusive disability support.
- We partnered with Queensland Health to deliver a workshop with 9 disability organisations. The workshop upskilled staff to assist their clients to prepare their home, develop an emergency plan, find and use the disaster dashboard and sign up for Logan Early Warnings.
- We promoted the story of Tim Pouncy, who is a blind SES volunteer and youth leader, in the Summer 2024 edition of Our Logan Magazine.
Accessible facilities and services
Visit Accessible services in Logan for more information about Council facilities, inclusive programs and services, concessions and support available in the City of Logan.