Eagleby master drainage project frequently asked questions

Where is it happening

Works will be carried out as two separate projects across multiple streets within Eagleby at the same time.

Cowper Avenue Master Drainage Upgrade:

Butler Street, Cowper Avenue, Dryandra Drive, Endeavour Parade, Hughes Street, Jackson Street, Reeman Court, Roslyn Court, Sirius Street, Standbridge Street, Stockade Crescent, Tasman Street, Vacy Court, and Council-owned easements in August Berndt Park and Bishop Street Park.

Kelly Street Master Drainage Upgrade:

Conoble Court, Fryar Street, Giralong Street, Japonica Street, Kelly Street, Kenmare Street, Lamont Street, Lemongrove Street, Logan Street, Melwood Street, Minimbar Strret, Tralee Drive, Willowie Crescent, and Council-owned easements in Bradley Park.

Why is the project needed?

With Logan’s population set to continue growing, we are delivering a record investment in building a resilient and reliable stormwater drainage network.

As a key suburban drainage upgrade the Eagleby Master Drainage project will help protect people and property by allowing stormwater to drain more easily and help reduce the impacts of wet weather events.

What traffic changes will occur during the main construction work?

To help us to deliver the road upgrade quickly and safely, traffic management will be in place around work zones.

Signage will be in place to communicate temporary changed traffic conditions including reduced speed limits, road/lane closures and any detours.

Residents will be advised of any access changes / restrictions to and from residents’ driveways throughout the project as the construction zones change.

We appreciate your patience as we work with our contractor to keep traffic moving safely and smoothly.

I live within the construction zone. How will I access and leave my property?

As a major improvement project, we recognise the upgrade will have impacts on neighbouring residents, road users and the local community.

Work will be undertaken by multiple crews across the project area at the same time to help deliver the upgrade as quickly as possible and minimise disruption to local traffic.

This means traffic conditions for local access will change throughout the project.

Signage will be in place to communicate temporary changes including access to and from residents’ properties.

Will access to my driveway be affected?

There may be brief times when driveway access will be temporarily restricted for some residents as work activities occur outside or near their properties.

Residents will be notified ahead of any work that may temporarily affect driveway access to ensure suitable arrangements are in place.

Will public transport and school bus services continue to operate during the main construction work?

Translink, local transport operators, schools and school bus service operators will be advised with as much notice as possible to plan service changes and determine access arrangements. Some bus stops and pedestrian access will be temporarily relocated. All changes will be signed.

Will the road works affect my bin collection / postal services / delivery trucks / water and/or electricity meter reading?

Council’s waste contractor will be advised of any changes with as much notice as possible to plan services and determine access arrangements.

Site personnel will be available to move residential bins to an accessible location on allocated collection days as required.

Logan Water and Energex will be advised of the works in advance to plan service changes and enable them to continue to read your water and electricity meters.

Residents are encouraged to advise any regular at-home service providers and/or visitors of the current traffic arrangements during the works as needed.

Will any of my services be affected?

Unfortunately, due to the nature of these works, there will be some planned disruptions to services including, water, electrical and telecommunications for brief periods during construction.

Affected residents will be notified of the date and duration of any service interruptions by their respective service provider.

Will there be any night or weekend works?

Construction will generally occur between 7.00am and 6.00pm, Monday to Saturday. Should work be required outside of these hours, affected residents will be notified in advance.

How will you manage construction impacts such as increased noise, dust and lighting?

We recognise that road and infrastructure upgrades often mean increased construction noise, dust and lighting for nearby residents.

We will work with our contractor to implement measures to reduce these impacts as much as practical including:

  • suppressing dust on site during the works (via a water truck or use of a dust suppression agent)
  • we will ensure that lighting is directed away from properties as much as possible
  • our contractor will make every effort to reduce noise as much as possible but some activities mean that noise will be unavoidable at times.

Will vegetation on my property / in the road reserve be removed?

Trimming and/or removal of vegetation will be required within the road reserve and on some private properties.

Where we need to trim or remove vegetation on private property, we will contact residents in advance.