Economy and growth - Quarter 3, 2022 / 2023

Project Target Status Commentary

EG5.1.1 - Destination Management Plan 2023-2028

Develop the Destination Management Plan 2023-2028.

Purpose: To identify future infrastructure needs and opportunities to grow Logan’s visitor economy

June 2023 On Track Internal consultation has occurred including a Councillor briefing.  On track for presenting to Committee in May.

Branch: Economic Development and City Planning

EG5.2.1 - Logan Place Plan

Deliver the Logan Place Plan, our place making strategy covering:

  • policy
  • projects

Purpose: To:

  • incentivise public-private partnerships
  • rejuvenate our centres
  • foster pride, investment, and positive activity
  • programs across our centres.
June 2023 On Track

Internal consultation on the Place Plan has been completed, the document was updated and finalised with the next step ELT briefing and Councillor consultation.

All city centre implementation plans have been updated with the final updated documents being finalised by Marketing.

Branch: Economic Development and City Planning

EG5.4.1 - Roadmap for Brisbane 2032

Deliver a roadmap for leveraging opportunities for the City of Logan associated with the 2032 Olympic Games.

Purpose: To secure better infrastructure, attract investment and create opportunities for our city

June 2023 On Track The draft Legacy Road Map will be presented to the City Planning, Service Delivery Coordination Team (SDCT) meeting on 4 April and to a Councillor Briefing and Exectutive Leadership Team on 20 April.

Branch: Economic Development and City Planning

EG5.5.1 - Logan Plan 2025

Deliver activities for the Logan Plan 2025 program of work. This includes:

  • drafting of the new planning scheme
  • legal review
  • submission to the Queensland Government for State Interest Review.

Purpose: To support the delivery of Logan Plan 2025 as the key land use policy to guide future growth.

June 2023 On Track Project is on track, milestones achieved thus far. Currently undergoing legal review and have commenced 4th round of Councillor one-on-ones.

Branch: Economic Development and City Planning

EG5.6.1 - Logan’s Assessment Portal

Launch Logan’s Assessment Portal powered by new software into Council’s existing development assessment processes.

Purpose: To support community participation in the way development and growth occur in the city.
This will be achieved by displaying application related material and decisions in a consistent format

June 2023 On Track As at the end of the third quarter:
  • Risksmart configuration and testing are complete
  • Process realignment has been completed
  • Staff and Industry engagement has been undertaken
  • Risksmart process has gone live with applications received.

Branch: Development Assessment

EG5.7.1 - Operation improve residential building practices

Create a new Residential Building Task Force team within the Development Operations program.

Purpose: To improve building practices on residential construction sites.

June 2023 On Track As at the end of the third quarter:
  • The re-advertising and recriutment process for the new team is complete.

Branch: Development Assessment
EG5.8.1 - Digital Infrastructure and Connectivity Program

Deliver the Digital Infrastructure and Connectivity Program.
Purpose: To:
  • create new opportunities in the digital economy


    provide high speed, reliable internet options to all our community

  • support the City of Logan to be globally competitive.
June 2023 On Track

1. Mobile

  • Regional Connectivity Program (RCP) released – Currently reviewing guidelines and any other insights.

2. Broadband

  • Ongoing engagement to monitor national broadband network (nbn) on fixed wireless (FW) upgrades to Logan sites
  • Kick off meeting with Opticomm on 24/01
  • Discuss comms process for Broadband project with RID – 31/01
  • Progressing with Comms planning including Q&A for customers, works notices, divisional councillor briefing,   Logan City Council (LCC) web page, councillor letter, Project plan, roles & responsibilities etc with Opticomm
  • Following up with Opticomm on progress of the project and milestones
  • Media release reviewed & approved internally (Grex/LCC) – 22/03 - Waiting for approval from State   Government Department (potentially 2-3 week turnaround).

3. Smart IoT Platform

  • Meeting with IT to discuss IoT policy framework.

4. Low Earth Orbiting (LEO) Trial

  • Assessment of provider proposal - Project to be re-prioritised for next phase of funding.

5. Multi-Function Edge Data Centre (MFEDC)

  • Continuing engagement with potential providers. Other grant funding opportunities timeline yet to be published.
  • Discussion with State Government on other round of grant funding opportunities (and/or other funding initiative) and an update on progress of the program
  • Discussions with provider regarding their interest on 5G Lab as part of multi functional edge data centre
  • Discussions with provider regarding fibre upgrades
  • Progressing with formal arrangements and strategic relationship with KalindaIT
  • Progressing with MFEDC report to apply for further funding from State
  • Developing slides of possible scenarios for Commercial Construct of MFEDC with key players.

6. Program

  • Quarterly State Reporting finalised and submitted as per updated scope (Due 17 January 2023)
  • Analysing grant cashflow to meet next funding milestone claim requirements
  • Progressing with risk register.

Branch: City Transformation

EG5.9.1 - CoLab

Deliver the coLab Growth Hub.

Purpose: To support scaling ventures to achieve their high-growth objectives in the innovation-driven economy.

June 2023 On Track Residency Program update - Mentoring sessions with the resident portfolio companies and their dedicated 'Entrepreneurs in Residence' continue. Companies are in the final quarter of their 12-month residency within the coLab. The team celebrated the 2nd anniversary of coLab's official opening.

SportX Program update – Finalising the EOI process, five applicants were selected as the successful participants for the SportX Program. The Program kicks off with a two-day bootcamp event in mid-May.

US Market Access Program (USAMP) update – Modules 13 -15 of the program were delivered, and 1 hour fortnightly EiR mentoring sessions occurred allowing for discussion on company progress and any action that needs to occur to improve outcomes. USAMP sessions have now been moved to weekly to prepare for the final pitch in a few weeks' time.

Branch: City Transformation