Healthy connected community - Quarter 2, 2021 / 2022

Project name  Target Status  Commentary
HC4.1.1 - Community Infrastructure Strategy Annual Action Plan 2021/2022 implementation
Deliver the Annual Action Plan 2021/2022.
Purpose: To deliver community infrastructure priorities for 2021/2022.
June 2022 On Track As at the end of the second quarter, 100% of planned actions are on track.
Highlights over the second quarter include:
  • Wilbur Street Youth Centre – Engagement on this project has been completed including three workshops at local high schools, one youth open registration workshop at the Logan Central Library, an online survey and a presentation at the Youth Service Provider Interagency meeting to inform of the project and gather insight into other youth activities and services in the City. The outcomes of the engagement will contribute to a needs assessment and project brief for the next stages of the co-design project in Q3.
  • Springwood Community Facilities Hub – The Community Infrastructure Strategy identifies need community facilities hub in Springwood. At the December 2021 meeting, Council supported the acquisition of properties in Springwood to progress this project.
  • Park Ridge Leisure Centre – Project team established across relevant Council branches and internal site investigations are continuing to work towards a revised draft conceptual masterplan of the site. A cultural heritage assessment is in progress to be finalised by end Quarter 2. An internal review of the aquatic need is in progress. Roads planning (of Park Ridge Road and Chambers Flat Road intersection upgrade) is taking longer than expected to determine developable land area for the site, to progress ecological assessment and site survey.
  • Progressing Flagstone District Community Centre planning. Land handover by developer is delayed until 2022, but work is under way to review and test the preliminary needs and concepts completed in 2019.
  • Beenleigh pool upgrade – stage 2 redevelopment is in scoping and planning phases.
HC4.1.2 - Immunisation Strategy
Prepare a new Immunisation Strategy.
Purpose: To provide convenient and accessible vaccination services to the community.
June 2022 On Track In the second quarter, the draft strategy underwent internal consultation. All feedback has been incorporated and the strategy is awaiting approval for external consultation to be undertaken in early 2022.
HC4.1.3 - Library Management System (LMS) renewal
Procure and implement a renewed Library Management System (LMS).
Purpose: To:
  • integrate new technology to improve the customer experience
  • enhance the functions of the Library Management System.
June 2022 On Track As at the end of the second quarter, the tender for the library Management System renewal closed on 21 December 2021. The evaluation committee was briefed by the Chairperson and Procurement Representative and committee members have commenced their individual evaluations of the responses received.
HC4.1.4 - Environmental Health Strategy
Prepare a new Environmental Health Strategy.
Purpose: To provide a framework for proactively managing public / environmental health issues across the City.
June 2022 On Track In the second quarter the draft Environmental Health Strategy underwent internal consultation. All feedback has been incorporated and the strategy is awaiting approval for external consultation to be undertaken in early 2022.
HC4.2.1 - Yarrabilba Community Hub facility
Manage implementation of the various agreements designed to activate the Yarrabilba Community Hub.
Purpose: To enable the delivery of community programs and initiatives in this emerging community.
June 2022 On Track As at the end of the second quarter:
  • Construction commenced and is on track, despite some weather delays.
  • Consultation with the community and partner agencies on the facility name was conducted.  Preferred name, The Buzz at Yarrabilba was endorsed by Council on December 8 2021.
  • Drafts of the Operator's Agreement and Lease have been prepared.
HC4.2.2 - eSports
Deliver a program to host eSports at venues managed by Logan City Council.
Purpose: To provide alternative activities to increase engagement and social interaction for people not involved in traditional sport.
June 2022 Monitor As at the end of the second quarter:
  • This project has been delayed due to COVID variant Omicron and its possible impacts on travel and event restrictions.
Recovery actions
  • Staff will continue to monitor the impacts of COVID-19 and variants in line with local and interstate travel restrictions to deliver the event as soon as possible.
HC4.3.1 - Parks Capital Works Program
Deliver park infrastructure through the Parks Capital Works Program.
Purpose: To support the development of parks and open spaces to encourage healthy, active and enjoyable community lifestyles.
June 2022 On Track As at end of the second quarter:
  • 30% of the Parks Capital Works Program has been delivered.
  • This is in line with  the planned program delivery target of 30% for the second quarter.
HC4.3.2 - Parks Asset Renewal Program
Deliver park infrastructure through the Parks Asset Renewal Program.
Purpose: To enhance Council's recreational infrastructure across the city's green spaces.
June 2022 On Track As at end of the second quarter:
  • 27% of the Parks Asset Renewal Program has been delivered.
  • This is slightly below the planned program delivery target of 29% for the second quarter.
HC4.4.1 - Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategy 2018-2022
Deliver outcomes of Council’s Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategy 2018-2022.
Purpose: To improve community capacity and our city image through 5 outcomes:
  • Development
  • Engagement
  • Places and spaces
  • Partnerships
  • Communication
June 2022 On Track Quarter 2 update
In the second quarter of the 2021/2022 financial year the following actions were undertaken:
Artist-led practical workshops were held at the Logan Art Gallery. Tours and talks were undertaken with COVID-19 safe plans. Regional Arts Development Program (RADF) round of applications closed on 19 October. Applications were assessed by the RADF committee where 13 RADF applications were approved and meetings with successful artists were held.
'Have your say' music survey results were collated and focus groups were held. Libraries and Creative Industries staff attended Logan Loves Seniors and presented creative activities for older people. Logan Live partners JMC Academy and Blank provided input for Logan Live Originals, which played to enthusiastic audiences on 4 December at Beenleigh Town Square and 11 December at the Logan West Community Centre.  Electronic mail invitations and e-bulletins were distributed to residents promoting exhibitions, resources, activities, events, and funding. Logan Art Gallery Instagram account reached 1,310 followers.
Logan Art Gallery won Queensland's Galleries and Museums Achievements Award (GAMAA) for the fifth year in a row for 'Our Stories and Designs'. COVID-19 safe requirements of contact tracing and hygiene requirements were undertaken to ensure visitor safety at Logan Art Gallery and Mayes Cottage. Gallery Store sales for the Christmas period exceeded expectations.

As restrictions ease, people are slowly returning to face-to-face activities. Social media remains the key platform for promoting Creative Industries exhibitions, events and activities.

The strategy is a whole-of-Council document that states Council's commitment to arts, culture and heritage. It defines the key areas, strategies and actions to guide the management, sites and provision, and plan for its future growth and development. The strategy outlines areas where Council will work to develop more opportunities for the community and its arts, culture and heritage professionals to watch, enjoy and participate in creative activities, with the aim of enhancing quality lifestyle, creative industries and business across the region. It is an integral part of developing the city as an emerging tourist destination.

The five key actions of Creative city: Logan City Council's Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategy 2018-2022 are development, engagement, places and spaces, partnerships and communication.
HC4.5.1 - Delivery of Rosia Rd Masterplan - Stage 1
Progress delivery of stages 1 and 2 of a regional standard sports park at Rosia Road in Park Ridge, as per the Rosia Park Master Plan.
Purpose: To provide facilities for an active and healthy community.
June 2022 Monitor As at the end of the second quarter:
  • The design is progressing ready for early works to commence next year while waiting for the environmental approval. 
  • Notification has been received that the environmental approval has been received by the department.
  • This project is awaiting a federal environmental approval. No clear date of when this will be received has been communicated by the department.
  • Council is aware of this and is being kept up to date.
It is recommended that the target date for this project be moved to June 2022, to allow time for the acquisition of federal environmental approval.

Recovery actions
Once the environmental approval has been received, project timelines to commence works will be reviewed and adjusted accordingly.
HC4.5.2 - Renewal of Logan North 50m pool
Replace the Logan North 50m outdoor pool and associated plant and plant room.
Purpose: To keep providing aquatic programs and recreational activities at Logan North Aquatic and Fitness Centre.
March 2022 Monitor As at the end of the second quarter, construction of the pool shell and installation of services is well underway although continuing to be hampered by wet weather.

Recovery actions
The project schedule is being monitored, with appropriate adjustments to tasks being made as a result of wet weather with the possibility of adding:
  • additional workdays
  • longer working times
  • additional sub-contractors on site to complete works