Infrastructure - Quarter 4, 2021 / 2022

Project Target Status Commentary

IN6.1.1 - Road Safety Strategy
Review the SafeRoads4Logan Road Safety Action Plan 2017-2021.

Develop the SafeRoads4Logan Road Safety Action Plan 2022-2026.

Purpose: To reduce incidents and improve safety on roads in the City of Logan.

January 2022 Completed During the fourth quarter, final editing of SafeRoads4Logan Road Safety Strategy 2022-2026 commenced for public release in both hard copy and digital formats. Proposed launch date has been set to coincide with Queensland Road Safety Week in late August 2022.  Speed Management Advisory Committee met in May 2022 and weekly traffic meetings continue between road safety representatives of Queensland Police Service, Department of Transport and Main Roads and Council to discuss crash statics, safety operations and emerging traffic issues.

IN6.1.2 - Road and Drainage Capital Works Program

Deliver road and drainage infrastructure through the Road and Drainage Capital Works Program.

Purpose: To deliver sustainable transport infrastructure that provides city and regional connection. To deliver drainage infrastructure that collects and discharges stormwater safely and effectively.

June 2022 Completed At the end of the fourth quarter, delivery of the Capital Roadworks and Drainage Program has achieved $97.1 Million in overall expenditure, which was slightly ahead of planned expenditure at 105% of adopted budget milestone targets.

Notable projects that progressed construction throughout the fourth quarter include:
  • Stages 2 and 9 of Woodlands Drive Catchment Master Drainage Project, Rochedale South ($15.8 million)
  • Stage 1 of Jimboomba Local Road Kerbing and Stormwater Drainage Upgrade ($8.6 million)
  • Gilmore Road, Berrinba - Road Upgrade ($8.1 million) 
  • Scott Lane, North MacLean - Road and Bridge Upgrade ($6.2 million)
  • Early works associated with Chambers Flat Road Upgrade, Chambers Flat ($25 million)
  • Stormwater culvert rehabilitation works beneath Grand Plaza Drive, Browns Plains ($10.8 million)
  • Browns Plains Road & Scrubby Creek Road Intersection Signalisation, Browns Plains ($2.8 million)
  • Albert Street, Station Road & Logan River Road Off Ramp Intersection Upgrade, Bethania ($2.6 million)
  • Woodbeck Street Catchment Master Drainage Project, Beenleigh ($1.7 million)
  • Asphalt resurfacing, spray sealing works and pavement rehabilitation at numerous locations across the city (totalling $7.8 million)

The Capital Roadworks and Drainage Program delivers enhanced transport and drainage infrastructure across the City of Logan. The Program delivers infrastructure upgrades to cater for improvements and growth across the city as well as renewal of the existing infrastructure network.

Despite impacts to delivery of a number of projects due to significant wet weather and flooding, ongoing Covid-19 impacts, labour market shortages and supply chain impacts, delivery of 92% against original budget milestone targets set at the beginning of the 2021-2022 financial year was achieved.

IN6.1.3 - Sealed Road Network condition survey

Complete a condition survey of the sealed road network.

Purpose: To assess overall road condition and prioritise future rehabilitation.

September 2021 Completed Field work is now complete. The Contractor advised the full network of imagery and data has been provided.
Condition survey of the sealed road network complete.
The team will now perform data remediation where required, and conduct analysis of the data to develop the next Road Pavement Rehabilitation Program Statement of Intent (SoI).

IN6.2.1 - Beenleigh Wastewater Treatment Plant Transfer Strategy

Complete detailed design and commence construction of a new transfer pump station.

Purpose: To allow the closure of the aging Beenleigh Wastewater Treatment Plant.

June 2022 Completed As at the end of the fourth quarter, construction is well advanced on the transfer network. The works were impacted by flooding in Q3 but this has been recovered. Construction on the sewerage pump station will commence in 2022/23 but is on schedule to be available when required to transfer flows in late 2023.

IN6.2.2 - Chambers Flat Wastewater Treatment Plant Master Planning Phase 1

Obtain an Environmental Authority from the Department of Environment and Science.

Purpose: To enable master planning and design of the wastewater treatment plant.
To form the Chambers Flat Community Reference Group and commence engagement.

June 2022 Not Complete As at the end of the fourth quarter, the Chambers Flat Community Reference Group (CRG) was formed and initial concepts for the site master plan have been discussed. CRG members have had the opportunity to visit Cedar Grove Wastewater Treatment Plant and the new site at Chambers Flat. Community feedback was fed into the site master plan.

A pre-lodgement meeting was held with Department of Environment and Science (DES) regarding the licence submission where Council was advised that it would need to submit water quality modelling as part of the licence submission. This was an unexpected requirement and will delay full submission until 2022/2023. The delay in submission will have no impact on the build of the plant due to the revised later construction timing following the latest growth data and forecasts.

The process is still proceeding and the timing is no longer critical due to a change in population forecasts.
Logan Water is expecting to submit to DES in quarter 2 of the 2022/2023 financial year, with an expected response from DES in quarter 3 of the 2022/2023 financial year.

This project has already been included in the Operational Plan 2022/2023.

IN6.2.3 - Loganholme Wastewater Treatment Plant Stage 8 Upgrade

Complete a detailed design of the Stage 8 upgrade and start construction.

Purpose: To increase capacity of the Loganholme Wastewater Treatment Plant.

June 2022 Completed As at the end of the fourth quarter, construction is progressing well and to program. The works were impacted by flooding in Q3 but this has been recovered. This is a multi-year project with completion not expected until 2023/24.

IN6.2.4 - Loganholme Wastewater Treatment Plant biosolids gasifier

Complete construction and commission the Loganholme Wastewater Treatment Plant Biosolids Gasification Facility.

Purpose: To reduce volume and disposal costs by managing the 34,000 tonnes of biosolids produced each year by the plant.

June 2022 Completed

As at the end of the fourth quarter, construction is complete. Commissioning is nearing completion with Logan Water expecting to be performance proving in August.

Status - complete.

IN6.2.5 - Water and Wastewater Capital Works Program

Deliver water and wastewater infrastructure through the delivery of the Water and Wastewater Capital Works

Purpose: To deliver safe and efficient water and wastewater infrastructure to support the community and city growth.  

June 2022 Completed

As at the end of the fourth quarter, initial figures show the Logan Water has delivered 94% of the revised Capital Budget that was approved at the February City Infrastructure Committee meeting. The incomplete works will not have any impact on the delivery of services and will be finalised in 2022/23.

Status - complete.

IN6.3.1 - Waterford West Park

Deliver the detailed design for the Waterford West Park.

Purpose: To enhance Council’s recreational infrastructure across the city’s green spaces.

June 2022 Not Complete As at the end of the fourth quarter an agreed extension in the scope of design work has been reached to achieve project optimisation opportunities. These design changes are included as part of 'Stage 2' of the project. Additionally, flood modelling is also now required to be included that was not identified as part of the initial concept package. 

As a result of the above, delivery of the detailed design works are now planned to be achieved by November 2022.

The benefits for Council in accommodating this extension to the design work includes:
  • design efficiency
  • lower overall project costs associated with design elements
  • production of design documentation that creates 'shovel ready' future stages with the potential to create funding opportunities through external grants.

Consultation has been undertaken with all relevant stakeholders in relation to the above. Delays to 'on ground' project delivery are not anticipated as a result of this extension.

It is recommended that this project be brought into the Operational Plan 2022/2023 with an anticipated completion date for design documentation in quarter 2 of 2022/2023.
IN6.4.1 - Asset Management Plans
Analyse and report on Asset Management Plan Outputs to:
  • Asset Managers (AMs)
  • Service Delivery Coordination Team (SDCT)
  • Executive Leadership Team (ELT)
  • Council.

Purpose: To support:

  • confident investment decisions
  • the delivery of Council's Corporate Plan and meet legislative requirements.
June 2022 Completed The Program continued to support asset planners across the organisation to refresh/create their asset management plans as per the new template and requirements.  At the end of the Quarter, draft Asset Management Plans have been developed for Libraries and Creative Industries, Transport, Stormwater, Administration Buildings and Plant Fleet.  Resourcing constraints posed a delay for Parks and Sport & Leisure Facilities Asset Management Plans.  As Asset Management Plans utilising the new template took longer than expected to implement, dashboard reporting is now planned for the end of next quarter September 2022.

IN6.4.2 - Total Asset Management Plan

Deliver refined capital budget information for inputs into the Long Term Financial Forecast (LTFF).

Purpose: To support:

  • confident investment decisions
  • the delivery of Council's Corporate Plan and meet legislative requirements.
June 2022 Completed As at the end of the fourth quarter, the Total Asset Management Plan was adopted by Council in April 2022.

IN6.5.1 - Yarrabilba Community Hub

Deliver the Yarrabilba Community Hub.

Purpose: To provide a new integrated community facility that delivers critical social services for the community.

June 2022 Not Complete During the fourth quarter significant progress has been made:
  • Pod 1 has reached lock up stage.
  • Pod 2 and 3 lock up stage ongoing.
  • Internal service installations ongoing.
  • External works continue with painting.
  • Civil and landscape works to car park underway.

The project's schedule has been impacted by continued wet weather. Unsuitable ground conditions were encountered in the carpark area. Works are due for completion October 2022. Logan City Council will seek an early handover of the 3 building Pods to enable the Community Services team to proceed with the furniture fit out while the external works continue.

It is recommended that this project be included in the Operational Plan 2022/2023 to track its delivery.

IN6.5.2 - Flagstone Community Hub

Deliver detailed design work for the Flagstone Community Hub.

Purpose: To support development of the new Greater Flagstone community centre.

June 2022 Completed As at the end of the fourth quarter, Council worked with the developer to successfully secure land title transfer for the community facility land in Flagstone. The needs assessment and design work will occur in 2022/2023.

IN6.6.1 - Woodland Drive Master Drainage Scheme

Progress delivery of the Woodland Drive Master Drainage Scheme.

Purpose: To upgrade stormwater infrastructure across Woodland Drive drainage catchment. To increase stormwater collection and discharge capacity.

June 2022 Completed As at the end of the fourth quarter, the project has achieved on-time delivery of its schedule for the 2021/2022 financial year.

Construction of Stages 2 and 9 of the Woodlands Drive Catchment Master Drainage Project is continuing.

The project involves the installation of stormwater drainage infrastructure in Woodlands Drive, Hartog Place, William Street, Lancelot Street and Woodlands Park at Rochedale South. The works are estimated to cost $15.8 million and are funded from Council's Capital Roadworks and Drainage Program.

This project will provide improved immunity for the road corridor and properties affected during wet weather events.
IN6.7.1 - Logan Safety Camera Program: capital replacement works
Deliver scheduled replacement of existing CCTV safety cameras and install new cameras in the Logan Safety Camera Program network.
Purpose: To support the operation and expansion of the Logan Safety Camera Program network.
June 2022 Completed At the end of the fourth quarter the Logan Safety Camera Program finalised the 2021/2022 Logan Safety Camera Program replacement schedule as well as completed the installation of 30 new cameras at 17 locations across the city. These cameras were funded via Council's Local Infrastructure Program (LIP).  

Throughout 2021/ 2022 the Logan Safety Camera Program installed a total of 58 new cameras across 22 Logan City suburbs which were funded through the Local Infrastructure Program.

In addition, the Logan Safety Camera Program installed 3 vehicle clear capture (VCC) cameras and 7 artificial intelligence (AI) bullet cameras in Loganholme, Berrinba and Meadowbrook during 2021/22. The Hooning Taskforce provided $150,000 for the installation of these cameras which were identified as priority locations to help address hooning issues in Logan City Council.