Maintaining current levels of service - Quarter 4, 2022 / 2023

Project Target Status Commentary

MS1.1.1 - Logan Listens Residents' Survey


Deliver the Logan Listens: Residents' Survey, including a review to identify and apply improvements.

Purpose: To monitor the level of community satisfaction with major services.


June 2023 Completed

As at the end of the second quarter, delivery of the Residents' Survey (Survey) was completed. The process involved interviewing 1,600 adult residents from a random sample across the City of Logan.

The Survey was divided into two sections, each completed by 800 residents:
- facilities and services
- customer experience.

Taverner Research Group undertook analysis of the feedback received. The resultant report was presented to ELT in November 2022 and to City Governance Committee in December 2022. Council endorsed the Logan Listens: Residents Survey Research Report (Report) in December 2022. 

An accessible version of the Report is being made publicly available on Council's website. Copies of the Report were provided to Council's Libraries and Customer Service Centres for public assess.

The Report was made available to staff electronically via the Manager's Toolkit intranet page, and e-copies were distributed internally in conjunction with the release of the Branch Business Planning process. The survey results will provide valuable input into performance reviews and the annual planning process.

This project is now closed.

Branch: Enterprise Portfolio Management Office

MS1.2.1 - Customer Service charter and standards update

Deliver an update to the Customer Service Charter and standards.

Purpose: To support Council to meet the needs and expectations of the community.

June 2023 Completed

The new customer charter will go live on Monday 3 July 2023.

Over Quarter 4, the following actions were completed to support delivery of the New Customer Charter:

  • consultation with key content contributors
  • design of Customer Charter completed
  • Stakeholder Communication and Engagement Plan completed
  • consultation with People and Engagement Director completed
  • consultation with Chief Executive Officer (CEO) completed
  • Collective Leadership Team (CLT) engagement completed
  • Executive Leadership Team (ELT) endorsement completed
  • Councillor briefing completed
  • Customer Charter represented at May City Governance Committee and endorsed at the May Ordinary Council meeting
  • Stakeholder Communication and Engagement Plan completed, and internal communications strategy delivered prior to go-live
  • key service standards reviewed and updated
  • external communication plan to be delivered from 3 July 2023.

Following go-live, internal and external marketing campaigns will continue for the next six months. Key service standards have been published on the corporate website and will be reported on monthly.

This project is now closed.

Branch: Customer Service and Information.

MS1.3.1 - Data analytics and customer insights 

Deliver a data analytics and customer insights system.

Purpose: To better understand what our customers, and the community are saying and experiencing when interacting with Council. 

Those insights will be used to make more meaningful data-driven decisions.

June 2023 Completed

Phase one has been completed and includes:

  • City at a Glance dashboard which went live with emails and phone calls
  • labelling, classification, and modelling will continue as more data is ingested and machine learning matures.

Over Quarter 4, the following actions were completed in support of the project:

  • completion of system development
  • implementation of machine learning
  • system testing and information audit.

Phase two has commenced and will deliver:

  • social media feeds
  • bang the table (community engagement) content
  • development of additional dashboards
  • insights to action project
  • inclusion of all email attachments.

Planned actions for the year have been completed.

Branch: Customer Service and Information