Next Generation Governance (NG) - Quarter 4 2020/2021

Project Target Status Commentary

NG1.1.1 - Deliver enhancements and new features to the corporate website.

Purpose: Provide enhanced digital customer experiences.

June 2021 Completed

The Digital Customer Experience Team have completed all website layout and design changes to comply with the endorsed rebranding strategy.

The e-Petitions design and development has been completed and endorsed by ELT and went live on 1st July with the first submission coming through the same day.

The enhanced Careers section is in the final design phase. The Website Transformation Project is formally completed with remaining focus areas of converting PDFs to web content or accessible documents and the finalisation of the enhanced careers section transitioned to BAU.

NG1.2.1 - Develop a proposal for proactive and targeted educational or compliance programs. These will link to systemic risks or priority city-wide issues of public importance.

Purpose: Increase compliance.

April 2021 Completed Wrapping up the year at the end of the fourth quarter, the team looked at data relating to complaints and inspections across Development Application (DA) compliance teams. Technology was implemented to analyse data to identify trends of what is happening across the city for development, and where complaints are coming from in the community. The team also looked at the service levels for how long it takes to investigate different actions that came into the Development Assessment compliance areas.
Some highlights of the actions and outcomes achieved this year include:
  • · Land Use Investigation – The team analysed over 1000 complaints received in the past financial year to identify what are the most concerning issues raised by the community. Based on this information, we designed educational campaign to be carried out in the coming financial year to residents live in targeted area on what they are allowed to do on their property.
  • Building Investigation – Pool Safety has always been a priority for the team and this year the team provided Pool Safety inspections to over 200 properties even under Covid-19 restrictions.
  • Construction Taskforce – Erosion and sediment control (ESC) has been one of the biggest complaint sources on development sites and this year the Construction Taskforce team has taken over the compliance component for ESC on large development sites to ensure faster response and more stringent compliance outcomes on site. At a result, a number of enforcement actions were taken against non-compliance sites including fines issued and sites shut down under the Environmental Protection Act 1994 and Planning Act 2016.
  • Plumbing Investigation – A large number of Logan homes are on septic systems for wastewater treatment given the rural residential lifestyle in some of our suburbs. The Plumbing Investigation team has identified that over 5000 the septic systems are non-compliant with the Plumbing and Drainage Act 2018 requirements and pose environmental and public health concerns. Therefore, the team has put forward a proposal for additional officers to be added to the team to work on this targeted project. With the appreciation of the importance of this piece of work, the Logan leadership team has approved a service enhancement in the first half of this year to allow this project commences in the coming financial year.

NG2.1.1 - Deliver a news and community website.

Purpose: Provide stronger communication channels to the community.

June 2021 Not Completed Council at its meeting 19 May 2021 endorsed a decision to move this project to the next financial year, with the Marketing and Events Branch tasked with its delivery (Minute No. 225/2021).

This project will be delivered in the next financial year, and renamed Our Logan digital offering.

NG2.1.2 - Develop a revised community engagement strategy, with input from the community.

Purpose: Further enhance Council's commitment to broader engagement practices and processes.

June 2021 Completed Community consultation occurred and the feedback provided was reviewed. The draft strategy was updated to reflect feedback from the community and the final strategy has been endorsed by Council.

The Community Engagement Program are currently developing an action plan to support the strategy.

NG3.1.1 - Develop and implement a compliance management system.

Purpose: Ensure effective and accountable governance.

June 2021 Completed The development and implementation of Council's compliance management system is now completed. This system will allow the capture and reporting of compliance obligations which are tailored to the local government regulatory environment.

NG3.1.2 - Develop and implement a governance framework.

Purpose: Promote best practice for corporate governance.

June 2021 Completed The Governance Framework was approved by Ordinary Council at its meeting held on 28 October 2020 (Minute No. 136/2020). This project is now complete.

NG3.1.3 - Deliver actions to secure Quality Management System ISO9001:2015 certification.

Purpose: Ensure a consistently high quality of service is delivered to customers and stakeholders.

June 2021 Completed Quality Business Documents conducted a de-brief with Plant Fleet Services on the 11 June 2021. A discussion was also conducted on "What Happens Now". Quality Meetings will now be conducted monthly with a fixed agenda to allow for the continual improvement of the system.  The Quality Certificate was issued on the 6 May 2021, received on the 15 June 2021 and is displayed in Plant Fleet Service Reception area. Project is now complete.

NG3.1.4 - Engage all stakeholder groups across the city to develop a long-term plan and city vision.

Purpose: Inform the strategic direction for the City of Logan.

June 2021 Completed The Community Vision Report was finalised and formally received by Council on 21 June 2021 as part of the 2021-2026 Corporate Plan adoption process.
Project complete.

NG3.1.5 - Deliver the Asset Management Strategy.

Purpose: Build organisational capability in sustainable asset management practices. Enable cost optimisation to meet the current and future needs of the city.

June 2021 Completed The progress of key deliverables as per the Asset Management Strategy improvement plan continue and are currently being delivered per schedule.
These Include:
  • The Service Enhancement for the implementation of Council's Enterprise Asset Management System (EAMS) was developed based on the Strategic Business Case and cost estimates.  The Service Enhancement was supported by Council during the budget process with funding approved to commence the project in 2021/2022.
  • Further development of next generation asset management templates with Parks and Stormwater Asset Management Plans being updated;
  • Scale up Asset Management Technical Reference Group (community of practice) across the organisation;
  • Further investigation into dashboard reporting capability;
  • Progressing the development of Council's Asset Information Handover Specification, with particular focus on Transport & Stormwater Assets as these are most critical in Developer handover;
  • Development of Condition Assessment Guideline for council's asset classes.

NG3.1.6 - Deliver the Corporate Innovation Strategy.

Purpose: Build organisational capability in using innovation models. Enable services to be delivered in new and better ways.

June 2021 Completed The Corporate Innovation Strategy reaches our two year milestone in August 2021.  In its second year of operation, the focus of the strategy was to 'Embed and Scale'.  Staff across the organisation are applying innovation to address problems and challenges and to improve services to the organisation and city.  There are three core service areas offered to the organisation under the Corporate Innovation Strategy. Some key highlights for the 2020/2021 financial year include:
  • Innovation Culture and Capability Uplift Services: Council invested in a number of staff across the organisation to complete the globally recognised T7 Masterclass in Innovation. This investment provided a foundation in which to embed and scale a corporate standard in how innovation can be used to solve business and city challenges.  This foundation underpinned three key initiatives that have been rolled out this year to build staff knowledge and capability for innovation practice. The first initiative was the design and implementation of monthly online Lunch and Learn Sessions which have been attended by over 430 staff and is tracking at a 85% favourability rating.  The second initiative was the design and development of an online training program for staff.  Built within Council's Learning Management System it will build staff knowledge and capabilities in the use of innovation methods and tools.  This is a self-paced learning program that will be offered to all staff as a service offering as part of the 2021 Staff Annual Performance and Review process where development needs are identified.  The third initiative was the delivery of a two-day Hackathon in partnership with the Leadership Development Program. Using an experiential learning model, 21 emerging leaders within Council were trained in the use of innovation tools and methods to create solutions for existing business challenges. This initiative received a 93% favourability rating.
  • Corporate Innovation Consultancy Services: Embedding the capabilities derived from the Masterclass in Innovation Program, the T7 Alumni have been activated by providing consultancy services to the organisation to help tackle existing business problems.  Teams across the organisation were supported to work cross functionally and collaboratively, share resources and knowledge to tackle problems and test viable solutions.  Over 20 corporate initiatives and have been provided consultancy and facilitation services over the last 12 months and over 100 staff have been exposed to a range innovation tools and techniques.
  • Innovation Communication and Engagement: Driving a culture of innovation requires a strong communication and engagement strategy. In this financial year, one of two key highlights include the distribution of 44 Electronic Digital Mail updates which were designed and circulated to staff involved in innovation corporate initiatives to keep stakeholders engaged and informed. Communication and Engagement was also supported through the design and implementation of the monthly PodCast club. A digital platform that is focused on knowledge exchange, the PodCast club edition provides a range of podcasts and articles highlighting innovation practice.  As a voluntary opt in subscription, the Podcast Club at the end of the financial year has over 104 staff subscribed.  Following a review of the PodCast Club in May, our new initiative "Innovation Unearthed" will be launched in July 2021. There are already 300 staff registered to be subscribed once this initiative rolls out.

NG3.2.1 - Deliver an advocacy campaign leading into the State Government election in October 2020.

Purpose: Secure infrastructure investment for the City of Logan from the State Government.

October 2020 Not Proceeding

Council made a decision to remove this project from the Operational Plan at its meeting 18 November 2020 (Minute number 153/2020).

A decision was made to pause Council's FairShare4Logan platforms in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. No budget was allocated towards a state election campaign in 2020/2021. Assistance was offered and provided to Councillors who wished to advocate for divisional priorities with State Candidates, as per the program's usual scope of business.

NG3.2.2 - Deliver the Advocacy Strategy 2020-2024 and implement a program of priorities.

Purpose: Build strategic relationships to influence policy and investment in the best interests of the city.

June 2021 Completed Council endorsed the Advocacy Strategy 2021-24  at its meeting on 23 June 2021. The Advocacy Program is preparing the Advocacy Action Plan to support implementation of this strategy. A quarterly update will be provided in September.

NG3.3.1 - Deliver actions from the City of Logan Biosecurity Plan 2017-2022.

Purpose: Manage invasive pests, plants and animals across the city.

June 2021 Completed At the end of third quarter, the Biosecurity Surveillance Program and invasive biosecurity matter control are on target year to date:
  • 258 monthly water body inspections which lead to 61 treatments
  • 2346 weed treatments on parks, public land and roadsides
  • 487 weed treatments provided by Council on private property
  • 2689 weed inspections

NG4.1.1 - Deliver a Safety Culture Action Plan and an organisational wellness strategy.

Purpose: Ensure the safety of our people, contractors and community. Build resilience and maximise the physical and mental health and well-being of our people.

June 2021 Completed Health Safety and Wellbeing remains a strategic priority. With a now fully functioning Health Safety and Wellbeing Program Team projects outlined in the 2020 Strategic Plan have commenced across all areas of council. These projects focus on the continual improvement of risk identification, control and mitigation to as low as reasonably practicable. Health, Safety and Wellbeing score cards are now produced on a monthly basis and are demonstrating a reduction in lagging indicators such as Lost Time Injuries and an increase in leading indicators including near hits and hazards. Councils Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate for the July 2020 - June 2021 saw a decrease of 3% from the previous year.

NG4.1.2 - Deliver 14 strategic people projects.

Purpose: Enable and support our people to deliver on the Corporate Plan 2017-2022.

June 2021 Completed As at the end of the fourth quarter, the rescoping of this project - as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic during the financial year - saw planned activities achieved. As at the end of the financial year the People Plan project had 16 projects in total marked for delivery. Of the 16 original projects:
  • 7 projects were complete
  • 5 projects were partially completed
  • 3 projects were not started
  • 1 project was moved to ongoing operational work 
This initiative will continue to be tracked internally in the organisation, with the view of producing the next People Plan in the second half of the next financial year.

NG5.1.1 - Deliver an updated hazard and risk profile for the city.

Purpose: Improve disaster management capabilities.

June 2021 Completed Several community engagement initiatives were delivered during quarter 4, focussing on the following topics:
  • Home Fire Safety
  • Bushfire preparedness
  • Disaster preparedness for business
  • Logan Early Warning
  • Disaster Dashboard
  • SES recruitment
Methods of engagement included:
  • Facebook posts, polls and advertisements
  • Articles in the Our Logan magazine
  • Advertisements in the Jimboomba Times newspaper
  • Mobile Truck Billboard
  • Shopping Centre Advertising
  • Google Display Prospecting
  • Translated information on 4EB radio
  • Advertisements on Rebel FM Radio
  • Distribution of educational materials through Logan's 9 libraries
  • Promotion of key messages via super banners on the Logan City Council website and via the Customer
  • Service Centre and Library TV screens
The Disaster Management Program also partnered with Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) to deliver a number of initiatives and education opportunities for the Logan community focussing on:
  • Smoke Alarm Awareness
  • Home Fire Safety
  • Bushfire Safety
Initial discussions were had with Council's Community Development Program, National Disability Services and the local team from the National Disability Insurance Scheme in Logan to identify opportunities to deliver local engagement with the disability sector in line with the Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction project. Further research and engagement will continue in the new financial year.

NG5.1.2 - Deliver the annual review of the Local Disaster Management Plan, sub-plans and Standard Operating Procedures.

Purpose: Ensure policies, practices and operational procedures align with agencies. Identify opportunities for continuous improvement.

June 2021 Completed The following plans were re-endorsed at the LDMG Meeting held 27 August 2020
  • Local Disaster Management Plan
  • Recovery Sub-Plan
  • Spontaneous Volunteers Sub-Plan
  • Community Information and Warnings Sub-Plan
  • Evacuation Sub-Plan
  • Hazard Specific Sub-Plan
  • Rapid Response Sub-Plan

NG5.2.1 - Finalise the Logan and Albert River floodplain study and plan.

Purpose: Improve flood management strategies in the event of a flood disaster.

June 2021 Completed The flood study is complete. Floodplain management strategies will be developed as part of the 2025 Planning Scheme project which requires a risk assessment to be delivered in support of a new flood hazard overlay and code.