Proud City - Quarter 4, 2021 / 2022

Project Target Status  Commentary

PC2.1.1 - Deliver a rebrand project as per project plan.

Purpose: To bring a valued and unified visual identity to the Council and City of Logan.

June 2022 Completed As at the end of the fourth quarter, the following was achieved for this project for the financial year:
  • Browns Plains Waste Centre and Recycle Market rebrand complete
  • Parks signage manual phase 1 has begun (engagement and consultation)
  • Welcome to Logan signs phase 1 completed (review and removal), phase to commence (design replacement signs and review locations)
  • Photo shoots completed - Community Services and ED&S
  • Continued roll out of brand across Council and city.

PC2.1.2 - Deliver a digital platform for Our Logan magazine.

Purpose: To provide an enhanced service to magazine readers and support future digital news delivery.

June 2022 Completed This project was completed in the third quarter. Highlights include:
  • is live - engagement rates and community feedback have been positive.
  • In the 3-month period from 1 Jan to 31 March 2022 website visit stats include:
    • 33, 071 users (ie. visitors to website) - Those users viewed 73,562 pages of content, visitors stayed on the site for an average of over 2 minutes.
  • Website includes a media portal and divisional pages.
  • The corresponding Our Logan Facebook and Instagram accounts are growing steadily and proving to be a powerful marketing tool.
  • Results include:
    • Facebook 700 followers, Instagram 287 followers, #CityofLogan used 11.8K+, #OurLoganOurCity used 100+

Project complete.

PC2.1.3 - Deliver a City Positioning and Strategic Marketing Framework including:

  1. City positioning campaign.
  2. Aligning all Council services to strategic brand pillars.

Purpose: To provide strategic marketing direction and alignment for Council.
To present a cohesive brand and communications that maximise value to Council and the community.

June 2022 Completed As at the end of the fourth quarter the City Position Roadmap and Proud City campaign has been completed. The Roadmap will now be adapted into a Strategic Marketing Framework, Including and Communication Strategy - this has been added to the 2022/23 Business Plan.

PC2.2.1 - Deliver the City of Logan: Safe City Strategy and Action Plan 2021-2025 through a broad range of crime prevention/community-based safety initiatives.

Purpose: To create a safer City of Logan.

June 2022 Completed

During the fourth quarter, the Community Safety Program continued to deliver actions within the City of Logan Safe City Strategy and Action Plan 2021-2025.

Highlights of work undertaken during this quarter include: 

  • 5 community-based community safety initiatives were completed 
  • Prepared a key achievements report on the Hooning Action Plan for the next Hooning Taskforce meeting to be held in July 2022. 
  • 1 Service at the Square event was held in May 2022 with 30 attendees engaged.
  • 2 Youth Street Hubz were held in April and June 2022 with 140 attendees engaged. 
  • 2 reactive Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) audits were undertaken.
  • CPTED advice was provided to internal Branches including Parks, Sport, Leisure and Facilities and Economic Development and Strategy.
  • Community Safety advice was provided in relation to 3 Liquor Licence applications. 

Throughout 2021/2022, the Community Safety Program:
  • Delivered 47 targeted or City-wide community safety events or activities and engaged with approximately 2,100 community members. 
  • Delivered the 2022 Logan Safe City Survey to which 978 community members provided responses.
  • Provided CPTED advice to internal and external customers on 28 occasions.
  • Undertook 12 CPTED audits.
  • Provided advice on 39 Liquor Licence applications.

PC2.2.2 - Provide funds to eligible organisations for initiatives that respond to local community priorities.

Purpose: To:

  • build an engaged and  inclusive community
  • promote increased participation in community life
  • support the community to make positive changes in their local area
  • increase skills, knowledge and leadership capability within the community sector.
June 2022 Completed During the 2021/2022 financial year, almost $300,000 of community development funding was provided to the community including: 
  • 49 community organisations were provided Community Development Funding to the value of $298,394. The  total estimated benefit of these projects is a reach of 220,597 residents and a  total estimated value of $1,057,891. 
  • 18 of these community organisations were funded through Community Project Grants to the value of $164,700.
  • 31 of these community organisations were funded through Community Response Grants to the value of $133,694.
  • A community focus on mental health and physical wellbeing initiatives through Council's Community Development Funding has become the largest and fastest growing trend this financial year.
  • Additional support and funding has been provided to the community through the Community Training Program to build community resilience and up-skill front-line workers and volunteers in the mental health and physical wellbeing sector.

PC2.2.3 - Deliver systems and procedures for the management and operation of the Kingston Butter Factory Cultural precinct. This includes the outdoor events space, performing arts facility and living museum of Logan.

Purpose: To provide the community with access to a state of the art cultural precinct for celebration and engagement with arts, culture and heritage.

February 2022 Completed This project was completed in the third quarter. Highlights include:
  • All outdoor areas now trading and operational including outdoor stage, cottage, markets and heritage centre.
  • Markets and events have been highly impacted by extreme weather resulting in postponement and cancellations.
  • Building including the theatre and Living Museum has delayed opening until July 2022 due to storm damage and delays to practical completion.
  • Aruga PR engaged to deliver precinct media opportunities, with the Sunrise weather team completing a live broadcast promoting the new precinct in early April.
  • At the end of the third quarter, 6 events have already been held with further markets and stage events booked in the future.
  • The official opening is scheduled to be held in the fourth quarter.

PC2.2.4 - Monitor and report on the network of CCTV cameras across the city.

Purpose: To:

  • increase community safety throughout the City of Logan
  • detect and reduce anti-social and unlawful behaviour
  • support the Queensland Police Service to identify and effectively prosecute offenders.
June 2022 Completed During the fourth quarter, Logan City Council's camera network captured 1,065 incidents and processed 117 footage requests from Queensland Police Service (QPS) and residents. The total number of incidents has remained steady when compared to the previous reporting period (1,029). The total number of footage requests have decreased since the previous reporting period (164).

The Logan Safety Camera Program currently monitors over 1,100 camera feeds that operate in public spaces 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

Between 1 July 2021 and 30 June 2022, Council's camera network captured a total of 4,177 incidents, responded to 319 QPS active monitoring requests and processed 397 footage requests from QPS and residents.

PC2.2.5 - Deliver the libraries' early years services and First 5 Forever initiative.

Purpose: To support early years learning and reading for Logan families with children aged under 5 years.

June 2022 Completed About
First Five Forever aims to support the learning outcomes for all Logan children aged 0-5 years old by providing programs that offer talking, reading, singing, playing, dancing, and moving.

Quarter 4 update
In the fourth quarter the following actions were undertaken in support of the Libraries and Creative Industries 2021/22 Business Plan:
  • Delivery of 242 COVID-safe, face-to-face children's literacy sessions with a total of 2,970 participants.
  • Delivery of 74 COVID-safe community outreach sessions through network partnerships across the city.
  • Participation at 24 key stakeholder meetings across Logan City.
  • Collaboration with the Parks Branch, ensuring delivery of high-quality sessions that promote family connection, early literacy, Logan Libraries and parks across the City of Logan.
  • The Curious Connect scholarship project sponsored by Logan's First 5 Forever has commenced, with 40 families signed up to the 10 week program in Logan Village.
The learning outcomes of Logan children aged 0-5 years old were supported.

PC2.2.6 - Deliver the outcomes of the Libraries Learning and Discovery Strategy 2019-2023.

This is delivered through the six priorities of:

  • access and inclusion
  • economic opportunity
  • nurturing learning and well-being
  • sustainability
  • connected community
  • embracing life-long curiosity and discovery.

Purpose: To support Logan's community through purposeful library programming.

June 2022 Completed About
The Libraries Learning and Discovery Strategy informs the programming deliverables of the Libraries and Creative Industries Business Plan. This strategy provides the framework to allow library staff to be guided in the development, implementation and evaluation of purposeful and engaging library programming and community engagement.

Quarter 4 update
In the fourth quarter of the 2021/2022 financial year, the following actions were undertaken in support of the Libraries Learning and Discovery Strategy:
  • Delivery of activities in Libraries including Page Turners, Baby Time, Wriggle and Rhyme and the Be Connected service.
  • Delivery of take home packs to families.
  • Delivery of face-to-face and live-streamed library programming and events for adults and children.
  • Delivery of hybrid events (live-streamed events with an in-library audience).
Library staff developed, implemented and evaluated purposeful and engaging library programming and community engagement in support of the Libraries and Creative Industries Business Plan.

PC2.2.7 - Construct an outdoor events space and redevelop the Kingston Butter Factory.

Purpose: To provide a performing arts space and social history museum. It will be a state-of-the-art cultural precinct for community celebration and entertainment.

June 2022 Completed At the end of the fourth quarter:
  • The outdoor precinct has been activated and is being used
  • The KBF building has been activated and is being used.
  • Practical completion issued for the remaining works.

PC2.3.1 - Develop Council's third Reconciliation Action Plan.

Purpose: To deliver a new Reconciliation Action Plan that strengthens relationships, respect and opportunities that support Logan's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community.

June 2022 Completed

During the 2021/2022 financial year the project operated under a revised scope of delivery as adopted by Council after the third quarter (minute number: 48/2022). The revised project was to deliver actions to progress the development of Council's third Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP).

These have been achieved, and includes the following:

  • Significant engagement continued with internal and external stakeholders during the fourth quarter to progress project planning for the development of Council's third Reconciliation Action Plan. Strong community relationships continue to flourish, ensuring an understanding of community needs, internal capacities and communication gaps that will help inform the future Reconciliation Action Plan.  
  • Council's First Nations Community Development Officer approached multiple internal stakeholders to form a special project group that will undergo an 9 week sprint, with assistance from Council's Corporate Innovation program, identifying the necessary foundational steps to progress Logan City Council's third Reconciliation Action Plan. Internal communication is underway with relevant Branch Managers, confirming endorsement for staff members to participate, prior to commencement of the sprint in mid-May. Following the sprint, a report will be provided to ELT. During May, the newly-formed special sprint Project Group tasked with identifying the foundational steps necessary for Council's third Reconciliation Action Plan commenced with a kick-off meeting mid-month, followed by a second meeting.
  • Events were planned to celebrate National Reconciliation Week, 27 May to 3 June 2022, and NAIDOC week, 3 to 10 July 2022. Internal stakeholders were invited to participate in Reconciliation presentations on 24 May and 28 June, where guest speaker and local Indigenous artist Jessica Skeen-McKinnon, described the process involved in design of the commissioned artwork "Journey to a brighter tomorrow". Jessica's design was used on posters, postcards and polo shirts distributed to Councillors, the CEO and Directors, Managers and RAP ambassadors. The polo shirts visually identify the wearer as ambassadors for Reconciliation at Council. Teams across Council organised events during National Reconciliation Week to engage in conversation on the theme Be Brave, Make Change and during NAIDOC week to engage with the theme Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!
  • A project has been included in Council's Operational Plan 2022/2023 to progress a detailed development plan for Council's third RAP (minute number: 51/2022).

PC2.3.2 - Coordinate and support implementation of the Access and Inclusion Plan 2019-2022.

Purpose: To create a more accessible and inclusive city for everyone.

June 2022 Completed During the 2021/2022 financial year, the coordination and implementation of the Access and Inclusion Plan progressed well, with the following key highlights: 
  • The Access and Inclusion plan working group has met regularly and includes representation from 21 branches across the organisation.  Of the 84 actions in the current plan, 65 have been completed, 15 are on track and 4 are on hold.  
  • Council has achieved full accreditation against the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines and Gold standard certification for a plain English website.  The number of fully accessible programs included in the Active and Healthy Program has increased.  
  • Council libraries now has dyslexia-friendly font, and you can find the dyslexia symbol to identify these books.  
  • Council libraries have developed a new expression of interest form to support artists living with disability to exhibit at the Accessibility Centre Art Wall. 
  • Council has commenced Disability Awareness Training for staff.  
  • Celebratory events were held for International Day of People with Disability on 3 December 2021. This included an online awareness campaign using social media, the development of an online survey, hosting 3 pop up displays that aimed to find out what inclusion means to our community. A total of 60 responses were collated from the poster and online survey.
  • Local laws for disability parking have been amended to increase the fine from $266 and two penalty units, to $533 and four penalty units in-line with changes to State Legislation.

PC2.3.3 - Deliver the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Bursary Program, and provide opportunities for students within the City of Logan.

Purpose: To increase employment opportunities within Council for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community.

June 2022 Completed

As at the of the fourth quarter a review of the recruitment strategy for the bursary has been undertaken and preparations are being made for the appointment of future candidates under this program.

During the third quarter, a successful candidate for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Bursary Program was appointed and commenced at Council. It is proposed to appoint a second candidate in 2023 through a modified marketing strategy that is adapted from the learnings from the previous year's Program.

PC2.3.4 - Deliver the Living Museum of Logan, working with the community to develop content for exhibition.

Purpose: To:

  • share the stories of our culturally diverse communities and of Logan’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
  • share themes of importance to Logan's people
  • enhance visitor experience to the City of Logan.
June 2022 Completed About
The Living Museum of Logan will tell the stories of the people of Logan. It will be a non-collecting, family-friendly space where residents and visitors to Logan can be inspired and learn about the City of Logan.

Quarter 4 Update
In the fourth quarter of the 2021/2022 financial year the following actions were undertaken:
  • Climate controlled vitrines were commissioned and positioned at the Living Museum of Logan during the fourth quarter, allowing the installation of original objects and artworks.
  • Final installation of artwork and commissioning of Museum equipment was undertaken in preparation for the official ribbon-cutting event that will open the Kingston Butter Factory and acknowledge funding partners on Friday 8 July, 2022.
  • Planning recommenced for a community event to be held in August 2022.
Development of the Living Museum of Logan spaces, displays and programs is on track for the scheduled Kingston Butter Factory opening event, to be held on Friday 8 July 2022.

PC2.3.5 - Deliver a school holiday program for 5 to 17 year olds.

Purpose: To encourage young people' involvement in active and healthy programs and increase community participation during school holidays.

June 2022 Completed During the 2021/2022 financial year, the KRANK school holiday program delivered over 820 sessions for young people, aged 5 to 17 years, including the following highlights:
  • 44 service providers delivered 124 at-home and in-person different interactive activities, resulting in 820 sessions across the year, which were attended by 6,574 young people in Logan.
  • These activities are delivered for free or low-cost providing families and young people with the opportunity to engage in positive activities throughout the school holiday periods that they may not usually participate in.

PC2.3.6 - Deliver water safety awareness education sessions. Provide culturally appropriate learn-to-swim activities for:

  • First Nations people
  • newly arrived migrants and refugees.

Purpose: To increase participant swimming skills.

June 2022 Completed During the 2021/2022 financial year, the Swim Logan initiative delivered a range of swim programs including the following highlights:
  • A total of 4, 8-hour swim programs were delivered to more than 60 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander residents aged 16 years and over. Swim programs were held for different population cohorts such as parents and bubs and Elders. During this time, over 10 participants accessed free transport and over 30 participants received a free program shirt using artwork designed by local artist, Casey Coolwell.
  • A total of 22, 8-hour swim programs were delivered to over 450 migrants and refugees aged 16 years and over. During this time, over 100 participants accessed free transport, 60 participants were provided with culturally appropriate swim-wear and over 140 participants accessed supervised childcare for their children whilst they learnt to swim. This additional support for migrants and refugees is a vital component of the program which encourages participation through removing some of the barriers faced to attend swim programs.
  • A total of 42 water safety awareness sessions were delivered by 6 bilingual Multicultural Health Workers from The Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland to 261 migrants and refugees. These sessions teach the basics of CPR, beach and pool safety signs, and water safety in Australia.
  • 8 past Swim Logan participants have undertaken training and received employment as Bicultural Water Safety Officers to teach others how to swim.
  • 11 existing staff have undertaken training in the newly accredited Cultural Awareness in Aquatics course.
  • The delivery of both swim programs aims to foster a culturally safe and appropriate space for communities to engage, connect and learn, within the aquatic environment.

PC2.3.7 - Deliver a health and wellbeing program for all Logan residents.

Purpose: To provide opportunities for residents to participate in affordable and accessible physical activities and health and wellbeing programs.

June 2022 Completed During the 2021/2022 financial year, the Live Well Logan Program was re-branded to Active and Healthy Logan and delivered over 120 activities throughout the year including the following highlights:
  • The Active and Healthy program engaged with 47 service providers to deliver 121 different activities with most activities providing weekly sessions over 1 or more terms/seasons. 
  • This resulted in over 7,000 individual participants supporting their physical, mental, and social wellbeing by attending classes delivered by the Active and Healthy program.

PC2.4.1 - Waste Dumping Taskforce 2021/2022

Investigate the illegal dumping of waste, proactively and in response to customer reports.

Purpose: To improve the city’s reputation, amenity and residents' safety.

June 2022 Completed As at the end of the fourth quarter Council endorsed the budget service enhancement for 2022/2023 which will see continuation of the Illegal Dumping Taskforce for a three year period (2022 -2025) to investigate and enforce illegal dumping activity across the city.

A Presentation of the Illegal Dumping and LItter Enforcement Strategy (2022 - 2025) will be made to Council July 2022. The Strategy clearly defines achievable outcomes and will primarily act as an overarching road map to:
  • promote the responsible and lawful disposal of waste 
  • reduce the financial impact of clean-up on ratepayers 
  • encourage the community to report dumping offences 
  • achieve timely enforcement outcomes driving greater levels of public deterrence disincentivise people who make commercial gain from unlawful dumping 
  • build strong partnerships with industry and community organisations to combat dumping create greater pride in our community and city image.
During the fourth quarter, the Illegal Dumping Taskforce continued to investigate, educate, resolve and enforce illegal dumping activity.