Road resurfacing

Two pieces of machinery resurfacing a road

We run a yearly repair and resurfacing program to keep the roads smooth and ensure they are safe for motorist to use. Investing in roads and transport infrastructure ensures we keep Logan moving now, and into the future.  

For current road resurfacing works, see Areas scheduled for road resurfacing.

Why we do regular resurfacing

Water is the enemy of the road. When water gets in under the surface layer, it weakens the road base. This is how potholes and more serious damage can occur. Resurfacing roads is like painting your house – it protects and waterproofs it from the elements to keep it in good working order. 

Did you know: 

  • We manage more than 2,400 kilometres of roads across our network in the City of Logan. 
  • This year we will resurface around 140 streets, covering 80 kilometres – about the distance between Logan and the New South Wales border. 
  • It will take about 40,000 tonnes of asphalt to resurface those roads. 

Diagram of the three road layers, surface layer, base layer and sub base layer

Surface layer of road

Surface layer

Base layer of road
Base layer

Sub base layer of road
Sub base layer

Road resurfacing process 

There are 2 types of resurfacing we do: spray sealing and asphalt resurfacing. Different roads need different levels of maintenance depending on their condition. The primary differences between the two types of works are: 

  • Spray seal - potholes and imperfections are repaired, and then a spray seal is used to add an extra layer of protection on the road.  
  • Asphalt resurfacing - a profiling machine grinds up the existing road, any repairs needed to level the road are made, and then the whole road surface is resurfaced. 

3 stages in the road resurfacing process

Stage 1 - Preparation works

Asphalt resurfacing - A profiling machine grinds up the old surface and the material is transferred on a conveyer into a truck.

Spray seal  - Potholes and other defects are repaired to prepare road surface. 

Traffic controllers and signs are in place to maintain a safe work zone. Temporary impacts you may experience: 

  • noise and dust from the profiler machine 
  • noise from construction vehicles reversing  
  • noise from jackhammers (sometimes). 

Graphic of a profiling machine grinding up the old road surface and transferring the material on a conveyer into a truck

Stage 2 - Primary works

Potholes and other areas of the road foundation are repaired if needed.  

Asphalt resurfacing - a paver machine spreads asphalt on the road for asphalt resurfacing and a roller machine compacts the asphalt. 

Spray Seal -  the road is spray sealed, which is normally completed 4 weeks after stage one. It can take 2 to 3 days to completed.

Crews leave site to allow the asphalt or spray seal to cure.

The road is now smooth and safe to drive on. 

Temporary impacts you may experience: 

  • some noise, but less than Stage 1 
  • smell as we lay and roll the asphalt or spray seal 
  • vibration from the roller machine.

A graphic of a paver machine spreading asphalt on the road for asphalt resurfacing. A roller machine is seen in the background compacting the asphalt.

Stage 3 - Finishing works

Stage 3 is the same for spray seal and asphalt resurfacing works.

Workers return to: 

  • reinstate line markings 
  • reinstall concrete splitters and rumble strips 
  • setup traffic signal loops 
  • create access to infrastructure pits and valves. 

This stage is normally completed 1 to 2 weeks after Stage 2. it may take up to a month to complete the finishing works. Temporary impacts you may experience: 

  • noise (minimal) from construction vehicles. 

A worker is using a line marking machine to reinstate line markings on the road

Parking, access and detours 

Where should I park my car? 

Please help us by not parking your vehicle or trailer on the road(s) where works will take place. Where possible, park your car on your driveway or on another nearby road. 

You will receive a notice with the proposed start date and duration of the work approximately one week before works begin. 

Will the road be closed? Will I be able to access my property? 

You will have local access to your property most of the time, even if signed as ‘road closed’. If you need access, please speak with the traffic controllers. They may escort you through the work zone or ask you to wait for a short time until it is safe to drive.  

We will notify you if the road will be fully closed for any length of time. 

If you need access at times, contact our contractor. We include their contact details on the work notice you will receive. We send out these notices approximately one week before works begin. You can also contact our road communication team

Will I have to detour around the work zone? 

Detours are sometimes in place for through traffic. Electronic signage will be in place leading up to the work zone approximately 2 weeks before works begin. These signs will notify residents of closures or detours. If a detour is in place, we will provide a map showing the alternative route in the Council project notice and on our website. 

Timing and duration 

How will I be told about the works? 

If you are a resident or business in an affected area, we will send you a notice and a map showing the work zone area. You’ll receive a separate notice from our contractor approximately one week before work begins. It will include more detail about the start date and duration of the work. 

While works are underway you may also see: 

  • ongoing signage at the work area 
  • electronic variable message board signs leading up to the work zone (on larger streets). 

How long will it take? 

This depends on how long the road is and how much repair work we need to do. For example, we might complete most primary work on short sections or short streets within one shift. 

For longer streets or those that are heavily trafficked, we may do work in stages and take one week or more. 

Delays and weather 

Some days work crews experience delays or machinery and equipment breakdowns. They may need to reschedule work to the following workday. Wet weather forecasts can also delay work because the new surface must be placed on a dry road base. 

When driving, you may experience a delay as machinery removes the old road surface and sprays or compacts the new surface. Sometimes a short curing time is needed to avoid tire marks being tracked onto driveways. As soon as the road is safe to drive on a traffic controller will let you through. 

When will you complete line marking and other finishing works? 

Finishing works include things like line markings, reinstalling concrete splitters and rumble strips, setup of traffic signal loops and access to infrastructure pits and valves. We usually complete this one to two weeks after asphalt or spray seal works finish. In some cases, it may take up to a month. 

Why do you do some works at night or only during school holidays? 

Different work hour restrictions apply to different roads. We do night works on roads that receive heavy traffic during the day or to reduce impacts on business activity. Some roads have works scheduled during school holidays to avoid impacting student drop-off and pickup times. 

Process and street selection 

Why are these works happening? 

Resurfacing roads is like painting your house – it protects and waterproofs it from the elements to keep it in good working order. 

My street looks alright. Why is it being resurfaced? 

Your street has been inspected by our engineers and has been identified as requiring work. 

Although a road may look fine, over time the surface deteriorates. Small cracks allow water to get under the road surface. If left untreated, potholes or more serious damage can occur. This can happen rapidly, especially in large weather events. 

Resurfacing prevents damage before it worsens and saves on more costly repairs later. 

How are streets selected to be part of the resurfacing program? 

We consider all roads. Our road planning and traffic engineers use computer-aided technology to help select and prioritise streets that need resurfacing. They also consider things like: 

  • traffic volume 
  • type of vehicle use 
  • road hierarchy 
  • funding availability 
  • existing and predicted condition of the road. 

Our engineers then visit the street to confirm the best road treatment solution. 

Finally, we put forward streets for endorsement to the Logan City Council Infrastructure Committee. This is known as a Statement of Intent. The committee may endorse SOI packages up to 3 years before work takes place on your street. 

Can I suggest a change to the road or line markings? 

We require contractors to complete works as ‘like for like’. You can suggest a new change by contacting us. We will pass your ideas on to our road planning or traffic team for review. 

How often will you do resurfacing on my street? 

Road resurfacing on a street typically takes place every 7 to 14 years. Busier roads may need more frequent resurfacing while a quiet cul-de-sac may need less. 

What are the types of resurfacing treatments? 

The two most common types of surfacing are: 

  • Sprayed seals – a film of bitumen we spray on the road and cover with aggregate. 
  • Asphalt – a bitumen-based concrete-like mixture of stone and bitumen. 

The treatments we use depends on the condition and composition of the road, the traffic volume, and the desired design life. 

After works have occurred 

Why do I have loose stones on my street? 

A road that is spray-sealed may seem like it has many loose stones.  

To spray-seal a road, we lay aggregate (loose stones) over a film of bitumen to provide a hard wearing, skid-resistant surface. Looser stones that do not stick to the aggregate can be moved around by traffic. When these stones gather it can give the appearance of more debris than there actually is. 

A day or two after the spray seal, the contractor will return to tidy any loose material. Over time, loose rocks that remain will become embedded in the surface or be removed by a street sweeper.  

Roads treated with asphalt should not have loose stones remaining after work is finished. 

If construction debris is left on the verge in front of your property after works take place, please contact us to let us know. 

How can I avoid black marks on my driveway? 

Roads treated with bitumen need time to cure and harden. On spray-sealed roads, hot days can soften the road and turn over stones, exposing bitumen. To avoid track marks, enter and exit your driveway using a gentle turn at a slow speed. 

Why is there sand on my driveway? 

Workers may place sand on concrete driveways to protect them from bitumen over-spray. The sand should wash away with water. If you have questions or concerns, please contact us

Emergencies, property, and environment 

What if I have an emergency and I need access to my house during the works? 

If you have an emergency, please speak with one of our traffic controllers who will assist you. 

What if I have an allergy? 

If you are allergic to petroleum-based products such as bitumen, kerosene and diesel, please speak with our contractor. They will be able to give you more information about the exact timing and nature of the work near your property. You can close your windows and stay inside or consider being elsewhere while the work is undertaken. 

How will this affect my pets? 

On working days, please take extra care to secure your pet. If your pet has an allergy, keep them inside with the windows closed or consider keeping them away from the works. 

If your pet walks in bitumen, please let the onsite contractor know. It can be removed with baby oil or a citrus based solvent and then washed with warm soapy water. 

I have bitumen on my car, how do I get it off? 

Please let the onsite contractor know if this has happened to you. They can suggest methods to help you clean your vehicle. 

My property has been damaged by the works. What do I do? 

Please let the onsite contractor know if this has happened to you. 

Contact us 

For more information about road resurfacing works, call us on 07 3412 3412 or email