Water and wastewater (sewerage) account

Your water and wastewater (sewerage) account will appear on your rates notice. The charges will appear as water and wastewater (sewerage) charges.

You’ll also receive a separate water and wastewater information sheet attached to your rates notice. This details your water usage and lists the water and wastewater (sewerage) services that apply to your property.

Your water and wastewater (sewerage) account will be made of following charges.

Water service charge

The water service charge is for connection to the water network, or the availability of a water network which a property can be connected to.  The water service charge is charged in advance and is a set charge, independent of the amount of water used.

Wastewater (sewerage) service charge

The wastewater (sewerage) service charge is for connection to the wastewater (sewerage) network, or the availability of a wastewater (sewerage) network which a property can be connected to. The wastewater (sewerage) service charge is charged in advance and is a set charge.

Water usage charge

Water usage is charged at $4.4868  per kilolitre (1,000 litres) of water supplied.

Unlike the fixed charges, this fee is charged after you have used the water and not in advance. The dates and readings displayed on the account show your water usage and the timeframe that it was used.

This charge is made up of two parts:

  • the State Government bulk water usage charge is $3.4440 per kilolitre (set by the State Government). This is charged by the State Government for the supply of water to Logan City.
  • the Council water usage charge $1.0428 per kilolitre (set by us) is what we charge to supply water to your property.

For more information, please see our  Rates and charges information brochure (PDF 213 KB)

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Can I receive a pensioner subsidy from the State Government?

If you have a pension concession card, you may be eligible for a State Government pensioner subsidy.

What am I actually paying for?

When you pay for water and wastewater (sewerage) charges, you pay for:

  • water usage or water consumption – the water you have used
  • water service charge – for your connection to the water network
  • wastewater (sewerage) service charge – for your connection to the wastewater (sewerage) network
  • a wastewater volumetric charge (for some non-residential properties, as appropriate)
  • trade waste charges (for businesses, if applicable).

How can I pay my account?

Your rates notice will have a list of payment options.

Can I get my water and wastewater (sewage) account sent to a different address?

No. We will send your water and wastewater (sewerage) account with your rates notice.

Can I pass on water usage charges to a tenant?

Property owners may pass on the full water usage costs to tenants if:

  • the rental premises are individually metered (or water is delivered by vehicle)
  • the rental premises are water efficient
  • the tenancy agreement states the tenant must pay for water use.

For more information, please download Tenants and landlords – water consumption FAQs (PDF 59 KB).

Can I elect how often I receive my water and wastewater (sewerage) account?

No. You will receive your account quarterly with your rates notice.

What happens if I can't pay my account?

If you have trouble paying your account, please call us as soon as possible on 07 3412 3412 to discuss payment options.

Who do I contact about my water and sewerage (wastewater) account?

Call us on 07 3412 3412.