Using our waste and recycling facilities

Waste disposal fees

You can view waste disposal fees in our Waste fee schedule.

Proof of identity

Our waste and recycling facilities have different fees for residents and non-residents. This means that Logan residents must provide proof of residency, this is best done with a driver’s licence or another form of photo ID that shows your Logan address. Alternatively a copy of a rates notice (paper or digital) or any other document that shows your Logan address, supported by photo identification is also acceptable proof of residency. 

If you are a ratepayer who lives outside Logan, you will need to provide a copy of your rates notice (paper or digital), supported by photo identification.

If you live outside Logan or are unable to provide proof of residency, you are still welcome to use our waste disposal facilities but please understand you will be charged the non-Logan resident fees.

Commercial operators are not required to show identification. Commercial fees apply.

Sorting your load

We have five waste and recycling facilities. Each provide opportunities for our community to help recycle, recover and reuse waste items.

Separate recyclable, reusable and recoverable items before you start loading your vehicle.  Keeping these separate from general waste will make it safer and easier to unload when you get to the site.

If a load is not sorted, it can be difficult for our operators to see how much and what types of materials are in the load. Customers are only charged a fee for waste that they dispose. Dropping off acceptable reusable, recyclable or recoverable items is free. Doing the right thing and sorting your items before you leave home makes it easier to see what will be recycled and what is waste. This allows our operators to charge appropriately and keeps your disposal fees as low as possible. Sorting your load helps the environment and saves you some money!

Sorting your load before you visit will make it easier to pack and safer to unload. Different waste types have designated areas at the site where they need to be unloaded. Batteries, electrical appliances, e-waste, furniture, clothes, cardboard and green waste can all be recycled at our waste and recycling facilities.

When you get to the site the weighbridge attendant will direct you to follow signage to the correct areas for the types of materials you have. Recyclable, reusable and recoverable items can be dropped off in the designated areas. This will be the resource recovery area, scrap metal bay or greenwaste pad, so pack these items last for easy access.

The general waste transfer station bin should only be used for those items that can’t be reused, recycled or recovered and need disposal. 

Don’t forget to restrain and cover the load before leaving home. Pack things tightly, use boxes and bags for small items and use a tarpaulin or cargo net as well as straps to secure the load.

Payment options

You can pay for waste disposal by:

We cannot accept debit or credit card payments over the phone.

Waste accounts

Businesses that regularly use the Browns Plains or Carbrook Waste and Recycling Facilities can apply for a waste account.

Please be aware that it can take 3 to 4 weeks for your application to be approved.

For more information or to get started, please call us on 07 3412 3412.

Waste we can’t accept

On chemical drop-off days you can dispose of chemicals at a waste disposal facility. At all other times we do not accept:

  • acids and alkalis
  • brake fluid
  • chemical waste generated through medical, veterinary and laboratory procedures
  • chlorinated waste
  • clinical waste (e.g. medical and pharmaceutical waste)
  • explosives
  • infectious substances (e.g. sharps, human tissue, material soaked with bodily fluid)
  • pesticides and herbicides
  • radiator fluid
  • fuel or petrol.

There are companies that will accept this kind of waste for a fee. Search online or in the Yellow Pages to find out more.

Items we can collect for recycling, processing or disposal

In addition to general waste, a range of recyclables and other materials are collected separately at our waste facilities for recycling, processing or correct disposal. Please look below to see if a fee applies to your item/ material. All of our fees can be found in the waste fees schedule.

If you are unsure where to place items, please ask our waste facility staff for help.

Items collected separately

Where to dispose of

Aluminium and steel cans, glass bottles and other recycling bin recyclables

All kerbside recyclable items can go in the large yellow top Cleanaway bins.


You can only dispose of asbestos at our Browns Plains Waste and Recycling facility (handling, packaging and safety conditions apply). Fees apply. For more information about disposal, see Asbestos

Batteries – motor vehicle

Motor vehicle batteries excluding EV batteries can be placed on the pallets provided at each site.

Batteries - household

There are small containers or wheelie bins at each of our facilities for general household batteries including rechargeable lithium or Nickel cadmium batteries.

Cardboard and paper

Can be placed in the large green cardboard cages.


For larger volumes there is a drop off location at Browns Plains waste facility. Concrete is treated as general waste at other sites. Limits apply please check the Waste Fees schedule for more information.

Gas bottles / Gas canisters(camping) / helium gas canisters 

Please see A to Z of waste disposal for information on each type

Green waste

Separate areas available at each site.Stumps larger than 40cm wide can only be accepted at Browns Plains.

Light bulbs / tubes

Special cages are available at each site

Mattresses Separate drop off locations for mattresses are available at all sites. Fees apply. 

Mobile phones

Can be placed in Mobile-Muster bins at each site.

Oil - Engine

You must be able to lift and pour the oil into the engine oil vats provided at each site. Charges apply after 25 litres.

Oil - Cooking

Please pour into the cooking oil vats provided at each site.

Paint, deck coatings, primers, sealers, stains, shellacs, varnishes, and urethanes

These items can go in the Paint-Back branded containers all year. Waste facilities can accept various other chemicals only on household chemical drop off days.

Scrap metal

Scrap metal items can be placed in scrap metal bins at each site.Note that there are separate collection containers/areas for non-steel metals, gas bottles, refrigerators/ air conditioners, engines and gearboxes.

Sharps (syringes / needles)

There are special sharps collection containers available at each site.

Soil (clean fill)

Can be accepted for use as clean fill at Browns Plains Waste and recycling facility only. Limits apply and will be treated as general waste at other sites. Fees apply.

Televisions, computers, and other electronic items

Skip bins are available at each site for televisions, computers and electronic  items.


For larger volumes there is a separate drop off location at Browns Plains Waste Facility.Timber is treated as general waste at other sites. Fees apply at all facilities.


There are separate drop off areas for tyres. Fees and charges are based on the tyre type.

Wooden pallets

Can only be collected for recycling at Browns Plains Waste facility. Treated as general waste at all other sites. Fees apply at all facilities.

X-ray film

Labelled wheelie bins are available at each site.

Unsure what can and can’t be recycled? Sort your waste with Recycle Mate 

Search from over 7,500 everyday items in the Recycle Mate sorting guide to check what can go in your home recycling bin, or what items can be dropped off at a council recycling facility, local store, or donated to a local charity. 

Download the free Recycle Mate App 
Download on the app store  
Download for Android