Concealed leak remissions

South-East Queensland Bulk Water Concealed Leak Remission Scheme

The Minister for Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water announced an updated South-East Queensland Bulk Water Concealed Leak Remission Scheme on 2 August 2023. The scheme is for eligible customers who have experienced a concealed leak.

New policy updates

  • Eligible customers will now receive a 70 percent remission of their total leak amount.
  • Eligible pensioners will receive a full 100 percent remission.
  • Customers who have submitted their application after 2 August will have their remissions adjusted from the previous amount of 50 percent.
  • As part of a once-off debt waiver announced by the state government, customers who have been eligible in the past and have an outstanding debt due to the leak will be eligible for an adjustment up to the value of the new remission amount.

We have updated our Concealed leak policy (PDF 565 KB) in line with these changes.

For more information, visit the Queensland Government Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water.

Residents who experience a conceled leak at their property can apply for financial assistance using the online form.

How to apply

If you had a concealed leak on your property, you may be eligible for a remission on your water usage charges. Before you apply, please:

Residential properties

There are two parts to water charges:

  • The State Government bulk water charge, the amount we pay to the State Government to buy the water.
  • Our Council water usage charge, the charges for the amount of water you use.

Where all eligibility criteria are met, Council will now provide a maximum of 70 percent remission of the leakage amount for general customers and 100 percent for eligible pensioners. The leakage amount is the difference between your average water usage and the actual amount of water used during the leak.

Non-residential and multi-residential properties

Owners of non-residential or multi-residential properties may apply for a remission of the Council water usage charge only if the leak was on a designated fire service.

If your application is approved, the water usage charge will be reduced from the designated fire service rate per kilolitre, to the normal domestic rate per kilolitre.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

How do I check my water meter for leaks?

How to read your water meter and check for leaks video transcript

Can I replace a previously approved concealed leak remission if I have experienced a larger leak?

No, we can only approve one application every three years. If approval has already been granted for a leak, an application for another leak within three years will be declined.

Why isn't Council applying a remission for non-residential properties?

We cannot financially sustain providing a remission to customers who fall into this category. Ultimately the community as a whole bears the burden of concealed leak remissions as funding remissions places pressure on water prices. 

If the leak was concealed and the owner was not aware of its existence, will Council consider a remission if the leak was due to damaged or faulty tap washers, in the hot water system, from the swimming pool, from a garden tap or water tank, or inside a wall or floor?

These types of leaks are excluded under the policy and are the property owner’s responsibility. The leak must have occurred in the property's main water supply line to be eligible for a remission. 

I am in financial hardship and unable to pay for this extra water. What help can you provide?

If you are unable to pay your rates, including your water and wastewater charges, at any time, please call us on 07 3412 3412 to discuss payment options. 

Please note that if you do not pay your rates, including your water and wastewater charges, we will take the necessary action to settle the outstanding amount. This may involve legal action or selling the property. 

Will you cut off my water if I don't pay?

For health and safety reasons we will not cut off your water. We will investigate reasons for non-payment and offer payment options.