Infrastructure planning and charges
Infrastructure Planning (LGIP)
A Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP) identifies the trunk infrastructure necessary to service urban development at the desired standard of service (DSS). To understand the future infrastructure needs of our community, we forecast future housing and employment growth and compare it with actual development. This helps to make sure infrastructure is planned and delivered in the right place at the right time. To learn more about growth in Logan, please see our City Pulse.
The LGIP must be financially sustainable. We must provide evidence that the infrastructure included in the Plan can be funded.
Our LGIP is part of our planning scheme and can be accessed using these links:
- Logan Planning Scheme – Part 4 is a summary of projected demand and DSS, and lists the extrinsic material
- Logan Planning Scheme – Schedule 3 shows projections, schedules of work and maps.
We use the LGIP when we assess development applications. We impose conditions for necessary trunk infrastructure and identify whether extra payments are needed.
The LGIP covers a planning period of 2014-2026. It presents the establishment cost of infrastructure items in current cost terms, with the base date nominated as 30 June 2014 under the Logan Planning Scheme – Part 4.
You can find documentation about the preparation of the LGIP in our additional material folder. This includes:
- development assumptions
- future trunk infrastructure network documents
- schedule of works models
- material that relates to asset management and financial aspects of the LGIP.
We consider feedback and improvement opportunities for the LGIP as part of amendments to the planning scheme. Check the Logan Planning Scheme for more information about proposed and adopted amendments.