Edelsten Road Upgrade

A car driving on a road with trees on both sides on Edelsten Road

Project overview

Edelsten Road from Mundoolun Road to Wynne Road will be widened to improve safety for road users. 

Latest update

The project is currently with the Queensland Government for gazettal.


Timing for construction has not been confirmed as it is subject to a funding agreement between Council and Economic Development Queensland.


We will directly correspond with residents once the State Government gazettes the land to road reserve.




With our city’s population set to increase by more than 50 percent by 2041, improving our road network is one of the ways Logan City Council is preparing for the future.

As part of this, we are planning a long-term upgrade of Edelsten Road between Mundoolun Road and Wynne Road, Jimboomba. Improvements include wider lanes, safer intersections and improved flood protection.   

Project timing

Detailed design is complete.

The project is currently with the Queensland Government for gazettal.

Timing for construction has not been confirmed as it is subject to a funding agreement between Council and Economic Development Queensland.

We will keep the community updated as the project progresses.

Project features

The upgrade will:

  • widen the two-lane road to allow for wider 3.5 metre traffic lanes and 3 metre wide shoulders
  • construct new consolidated access lanes to enable properties along the road to access and exit the road in a safer way with improved lines of sight
  • upgrade the Davidson Road and Wynne Road intersections
  • replace existing culverts at Strachan Creek
  • include a new bridge across Jimboomba Creek
  • construct new drainage infrastructure and resurface the road to create smoother roads with better surface grip
  • install fauna fencing and associated koala crossing infrastructure at Strachan and Jimboomba Creek crossings
  • reconstruct property driveways to tie into the new road surface (where required)
  • separate pedestrian facilities over Strachan and Jimboomba Creek crossings.

Project benefits

The Edelsten Road Upgrade will deliver a range of benefits, including: 

  • better line of sight to improve road safety
  • safer intersections
  • protect our wildlife by installing fauna fencing and koala crossings
  • more reliable travel times 
  • better flood protection for parts of the road corridor a safer environment for pedestrians and bike riders with separated walkway facilities over Strachan Creek and Jimboomba Creek crossings.

Land requirements

As part of our long-term planning for the upgrade and to meet Australian design standards, some land will need to be acquired to widen the road and improve line of sight. This means some property boundaries will be realigned to accommodate the widening of the road.

We have held meetings with property owners we have identified as being potentially impacted by the project.

Other related projects

Contact us

If you would like more information about the project, please:

  • call our Project Communications Team on 07 3412 3412
  • email us at RoadComms@logan.qld.gov.au or
  • write to us, please address your letter to:
    • Road Infrastructure Delivery,
      Logan City Council,
      PO Box 3226,
      Logan City DC, QLD, 4114.

Our project team will respond to community questions as soon as possible.