Development applications

Public notification and submissions

Make a submission online

As part of the process of assessing complex (impact assessable) development applications, we give members of the public a chance to look at the application and make comments about it. Members of the public can make comments in a submission to us.

If public notification is needed, it must happen before we decide if the proposed development will be approved. 

If public notification is needed, the applicant (developer) must put a notice about the proposed development:

  • on the land (e.g. put up a sign on the property)
  • in the mail to adjoining property owners (e.g. the developer sends you information if you live next door)
  • in at least one local newspaper.

The public notification period must last for at least 15 business days. During this time, members of the public can write to Council about the proposed development giving reasons for either supporting or objecting to the proposed development.

Applications currently on public notification

To view any applications on public notification now, please see Public notification list or the Development Enquiry Tool (select On Notification).

If you have seen a current notice of proposed development or have received a letter about a proposed development near you, but that application is not listed on the Public notification list or in the Development Enquiry Tool, please contact our team.

For more information about applications, including proposed plans, please use the Development Enquiry Tool.

The applications listed in the table below are not available in the Development Enquiry Tool.  Please use the links provided to review the application documents (forms, plans of development, etc.).

Application Property Description Plans and documents

Please see the Development Enquiry Tool


Making a submission about an application

If you want to object to or support an application for a proposed development, and if you want the right to appeal the decision once it is made by Council, you must make a submission to us. The submissions process is described in the Planning Act 2016.

A properly made submission must:

  • be made in writing to us
  • be signed by each person making the submission
  • be received by us during the public notification period for that application (on or before the last day)
  • include the full name and full residential or business street address of each person making the submission
  • include the application details
  • state the reasons for the submission (e.g. the grounds for your support or objection, facts about the proposed development and any relevant circumstances)
  • include a postal or email address for each person making the submission.

You can send your submission in four ways:

In line with Queensland's Planning Act 2016, all submissions received by Council for a development application are published on our website with the other documents for that application.

After your submission

We will acknowledge your submission within five business days of receiving it.

If you have not received a response after that time, please contact our team.

You can change a submission during the notification period (the period during which submissions can be made) only.

You can withdraw a submission any time before we make a decision.

Application decision

Whilst we consider all submissions in our assessment of the application, only properly made submitters will be notified of our decision.

For petitions, only the principal submitter (i.e. first signatory) will be notified of our decision.

Our decision notice will be available to the public through the Development Enquiry Tool.

All properly made submitters have the right to appeal the decision.  The appeal must be lodged to the Planning and Environment Court within 20 business days from the day of receiving the notice of the decision.

All Council and committee meetings are open to the public.  However, not all impact assessable development applications need a decision to be made at a Council meeting, it may be decided under delegation by a Council officer.

If the development application requires a decision to be made at a Council meeting, you can request a deputation to address the meeting when the application is considered.

To find out more about Council meetings, please see Committees and meetings.

For more information about a development application submission, please contact our team.