Development applications

Changing a development approval

Two types of changes can be made to a development approval: a change representation and a change application.

Change representations (changes during the appeal period)

To change to a development approval during the appeal period (after the decision is made by Council), you must lodge a change representation before the appeal period ends.

You can ask us to pause (suspend) the appeal period by giving us notice that you will lodge a change representation. This will allow enough time to make the change representation and for us to consider the requested changes.

To lodge change representations and suspend the appeal period, please contact our team.

For more information, please visit - Queensland Government - Changing, cancelling and extending development approvals fact sheet.

Change application (changes after the appeal period has ended)

To make a change to a development approval after the appeal period has ended, you must lodge a change application.

There are two types of change applications:

Change type

Type of development

Minor change A (Tier 1)

Dwelling House (including Building Works Assessable against the Planning Scheme (BWAP) applications).

Minor change B (Tier 2)

Operational Works (includes changes to conditions only where relating to plan references)

Minor change C (Tier 2)

Where neither A or B and limited to:

  • Amendment(s) to building envelope(s) or development control plan(s)
  • Changes to plan references only

This does not include:

  • Updated or amended technical or specialist reports
  • Changes to stage boundaries or the creation of stages
  • Consequential changes to the conditions of approval
  • New conditions or amendments to conditions

Minor change D (Tier 3)

Other types of minor changes not mentioned above in A, B or C.


  • other change – a change that would not be minor.

To lodge a change application, please see Application forms and lodgement and Fees, charges and payments. Please include supporting information (e.g. plans and statement outlining how the proposal meets the relevant codes).

For more information, please visit Queensland Government - Changing, cancelling and extending development approvals fact sheet.

Extending a development approval (currency period)

Development approvals are valid for a set period of time, which is called the currency period. The currency period is set under Queensland planning legislation.

You can apply to extend the currency period, but you need to apply before the currency period ends.

Different currency periods apply to different types of development approvals:

  • material change of use – six year currency period
  • reconfiguring a lot - four year currency period
  • operational works and building works assessable against a planning scheme – two year currency period.

To apply for the currency period to be extended, please download Extension application form and return it to us with payment - please see Application forms and lodgement and Fees, charges and payments. Please include supporting information (e.g. plans and a statement outlining how the proposal meets the relevant codes).

For more information, please visit Queensland Government - Changing, cancelling and extending development approvals fact sheet.